Threes! - Android

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Threes! - Android
Name of the file: Threes! - Android - Author: ANO - [ANDROID]

Instead of forcing matches, allow the board to run its course and matches will happen eventually by themselves. Continue matching on the outside and controlling the board and eventually numbers will come together.

Previewing moves
Drag slowly in a direction to preview what will happen with the tiles. If they are going to merge, the tiles will appear to overlap. If they will simply move, the tiles will slide over. Use this preview to decide if that move is your best. Drag back to your starting location after the preview to avoid actually executing that move.

Tile placement
New tiles are placed into rows or columns that just moved. Use this to your advantage by moving the row you want a new tile to appear in. The direction you swipe also matters; the tile will be appended on the "tail" end of the row.

White tile values
All of the white tiles on the board will be added up to generate your total score at the end of a game. The number on the white tile is worth a certain number of points.

1: 0 points
2: 0 points
3: 3 points
6: 9 points
12: 27 points
24: 81 points
48: 243 points
96: 729 points
192: 2,187 points
384: 6,561 points
768: 19,683 points
1,536: 59,049 points
3,072: 177,147 points
6,144: 531,441 points

View: 5965 times
Updated: 2014.10.03

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