The Sims : FreePlay - Android

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The Sims : FreePlay - Android
Name of the file: The Sims : FreePlay - Android - Author: ANO - [ANDROID]

The money cheat
First line your people up in a row then put them to garden. Then exit the sims. Go to your setting hit date and time. Take OFF auto time and set it ahead how many hours it takes for the plant robbed finished. Then go back on it. Your plants are done and set your time back. Make sure to set it back or else it won't work another time. Hope this helped. Worked for me now I have $400,526. Tell me if it helped.

How go to work
Basically if your sims go to work but at that specific time u are busy here's a trick. Select date and time and change the time one minute before the time your sims go to work. Quickly go back on the sims and there would be a notification saying one of your sims needs to go to work. And wala press the briefcase on the simtracker and your sim will be able to go to work.

How to finish your plant in no time
Get every one of your sims planting green beans get out of game and double tap the iphone or ipod square hold the sims freeplay app and delete. 'Not the game' go to settings,general,date and time and change the date to July 1 1985 go back to the game and get back out go to setting,general,time and date then tap on set automatically then go back to the sims freeplay and go to the city. Go back to the house they were planting in and they should all be done planting.

Xmas glitch - get alot of LP
You have to have completed the Christmas goal (Santa gives you a free reindeer). Your friends have to have completed it also. You have to be able to travel to friends towns. (That have completely the goal) I hope this works for everyone. I'm on a kindle. Anyways, every time I visit a friends town I get the pop up "congratulations! You helped save Xmas..." Each time you get 3 LP and I'm guessing a reindeer (haven't checked busy getting LP. I'm up to 70 now.

Earn twice Simoleons!
First wait for your sims house earn money in community.Then when you see the simoleons sign above your sims house tap it twice and you will earn 2x money --Hope this will help :)

Get your sims needs fulfilled
As you must you gotta make your Sims needs satisfied, use the normal items you usually use and instead of waiting for the action to be complete cancel it when the need bar(hygiene, toilet etc.) is full and not blinking, repeat this step until all the need bars are full. If your doing this at night and don't want to refill the needs again in the morning simply put them to sleep (deep sleep which on the cheapest bed is 8 hours and the first 3 star bed 7 hours or something like that =/ ).

Making your sims sick
First you need to hold your tablet/phone firmly then shake it for 5-15 seconds you Sims/s should either be wobbling around or have a brown puddle in front of them. This is just for fun, you won' gain any LP or Simoleons from it, also it is a bit gross. Just to let you know I have an Android tablet

View: 7228 times
Updated: 2014.10.09

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