Angry Birds [android]

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Angry Birds [android]
Name of the file: Angry Birds [android] - Author: ANO - [ANDROID]

Big Present Stage
Beat all levels with three stars.

Completion bonus
Successfully complete the game to unlock all birds and the extras.

Golden Egg levels
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus Golden Egg level.
Golden Egg level 1: Get three stars in every level in Worlds 4 and 5.
Golden Egg level 2: Tap the sun the level selection screen.
Golden Egg level 3: Watch the credits, then tap the Golden Egg at the end.
Golden Egg level 4: Go to the help screen in any level and tap the Golden Egg at the end.
Golden Egg level 5: In level 1-8, tap the unreachable chest.
Golden Egg level 6: In level 2-2, break the beach ball.
Golden Egg level 7: In level 4-7, zoom out and tap the Golden Egg at the top right of the map.
Golden Egg level 8: In level 5-19, find the Golden Egg hidden at the top right of the left tower.
Golden Egg level 9: In level 6-14, pop the yellow balloon.
Golden Egg level 10: In level 6-14, pop the yellow balloon in the lower right corner.
Golden Egg level 11: On Theme 8's level page, drag your finger right to left to display a golden egg where Theme 9 would normally appear.
Golden Egg level 12: Get three stars in all levels in "Danger Above" (Themes 6 through 8)
Golden Egg level 13: In level 8-15, break the boxes in the far left corner.
Golden Egg level 14: In level 9-14, fire the boomerang bird at the hat on the far right side on the small cliff.
Golden Egg level 15: In level 10-3, break the rubber duck in the bottom left side.
Golden Egg level 16: In level 11-15, zoom out completely to find the egg at the bottom left corner, then use the boomerang bird fired backwards.
Golden Egg level 17: Get three stars on all levels in "The Big Setup".

Golden Egg Stage
Get the golden egg on level 1-13.

Locked worlds
Perform the followings steps to unlock all worlds without playing through the game.

1. Load up Angry Birds and go to the world select screen.
2. Center a locked world on the screen.
3. Push back button all the way out of Angry Birds.
4. Load Angry Birds back up and when the "Play" button appears tap it rapidly.
5. You should be inside the locked worlds stage select screen.
6. Now, pass the first level of each world to unlock it.

Red Bird's voice
When you can use the red bird, pull out the slingshot. When the red bird is in the air, tap the screen and it will make a sound. Works on big red bird.

Sound board
Get three stars in every level in Worlds 1 through 3.

Unlockable Trailer
Beat all levels.

View: 8149 times
Updated: 2011.12.23

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