Halflife : Counter Strike v1.5 (Mplayer) - Ltfxhook v4.5

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Halflife : Counter Strike v1.5 (Mplayer) - Ltfxhook v4.5

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Name of the file: Halflife : Counter Strike v1.5 (Mplayer) - Ltfxhook v4.5 - Author: LTFX - [PC]

[49] = "1";
[50] = "2";
[51] = "3";
[52] = "4";
[53] = "5";
[54] = "6";
[55] = "7";
[56] = "8";
[57] = "9";
[48] = "0";
[45] = "-";
[61] = "=";
[127] = "backspace";
[9] = "tab";
[113] = "q";
[119] = "w";
[101] = "e";
[114] = "r";
[116] = "t";
[121] = "y";
[117] = "u";
[105] = "i";
[111] = "o";
[112] = "p";
[91] = "[";
[93] = "]";
[13] = "enter";
[169] = "enter";
[133] = "ctrl";
[97] = "a";
[115] = "s";
[100] = "d";
[102] = "f";
[103] = "g";
[104] = "h";
[106] = "j";
[107] = "k";
[108] = "l";
[59] = ";";
[39] = "'";
[134] = "shift";
//[134] = "rshift";
[0] = "\\";
[122] = "z";
[120] = "x";
[99] = "c";
[118] = "v";
[98] = "b";
[110] = "n";
[109] = "m";
[44] = ",";
[46] = ".";
[47] = "kp_slash";

[42] = "*";
[132] = "alt";
[32] = "space";
[175] = "capslock";
[135] = "f1";
[136] = "f2";
[137] = "f3";
[138] = "f4";
[139] = "f5";
[140] = "f6";
[141] = "f7";
[142] = "f8";
[143] = "f9";
[144] = "f10";
[255] = "pause";
[151] = "home";
[128] = "uparrow";
[150] = "pgup";
[173] = "kp_minus";
[174] = "kp_plus";
[130] = "leftarrow";
[160] = "kp_7";
[161] = "kp_8";
[162] = "kp_9";
[163] = "kp_4";
[164] = "kp_5";
[165] = "kp_6";
[166] = "kp_1";
[167] = "kp_2";
[168] = "kp_3";
[170] = "kp_0";
[131] = "rightarrow";
[152] = "end";
[129] = "downarrow";
[149] = "pgdn";
[147] = "ins";
[148] = "del";
[145] = "f11";
[146] = "f12";

...You will find the rest of this information in: Ltfxv45/keylist.txt,

if you download this file: ltfxhookv45.zip
Trainers City

Ltfxhook v4.5 *VAC PROOF*
By Ltfxguy - Improvements by Advanced

Double Click on Ltfxhook.exe - Start CS
Once you spawn in hit f12 to load the hack. Once activated you should see your teams esp. Then hit f to open menu. Roller scrolls through menu, mouse1 increases a value, and mouse2 closes the menu. Every map change you will need to hit f12.

Console Use:
Just type the cvar name and the value into the HL console. Don't worry, I don't register cvars so HLGuard can't detect them. Note that typing name 0 into console will conflict with hl's cvar. To avoid this put a . before the cvar.

You can bind keys to activate cvars here's how...
	alias +turnaimon "echo [aim 1"
	alias +turnaimoff "echo [aim 0"
	bind mouse1 "+attack;+turnaimon"
This is a bit advanced for some people, use this if you know how

I added some new features, common to ogcs nowadays. Added simple xqz wallhack, lambert, radar, fullbright, and a few other things. The menu uses either arrow keys or roller. You can change the menukey by changing the settings.cfg file. Keylist.txt contains the values for almost every key.

NOTE: This hack is meant for opengl/d3d modes. v4 for software mode does exist, but is in development.
Release Date: 03.03.03

/* Ltfxhook forums... 
/* http://ltfxhook.implux.com

...You will find the rest of this information in: Ltfxv45/README.txt,

if you download this file: ltfxhookv45.zip
Trainers City

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File download at Trainers City - The Bible Trainers -
Retreive others trainers, Cheats, editors, save games and much more
at http://www.trainerscity.com/

...You will find the rest of this information in: Ltfxv45/Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: ltfxhookv45.zip
Trainers City

Name of the zip file: ltfxhookv45.zip

File size: 49 609 octets

Downloads: 8879 times
Updated: 2003.03.05

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