Name of the file: Street Fighter IV - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE] |
Unlock DeeJay: Fight in 3 Versus Mode matches or Clearing Tournament Mode with all characters, with round set to 3 or more. Things to Achieve: 1 Whole Hour! - Play for a total of 1 hour. 24 Whole Hours! - Play for a total of 24 hours. 8 Whole Hours! - Play for a total of 8 hours. All Eyes on You - Be recognized as an opponent by 5 people. All-Rounder - Use all characters. Apprentice - Use one character 50 times. Assistant Instructor - Win 5 times in a row in Versus Mode. Auto Defender - Win 30 matches with Auto Guard ON. Basic Baccalaureate - Complete Dojo Basic Training with all S Rankings. Capcom Follower - Follow iCAPCOM on Twitter. Card Gatheror - Get a Player Card. Card Hunter - Get 10 Player Cards. Battle Hardened - Finish every opponent character. Bottom Feeder - Obtain 500 Versus Battle Points. Bring It On! - Fight in 30 Versus Mode matches. Card Master - Get 30 Player Cards. Combo Baccalaureate - Complete Dojo Combo Training for all characters with S Rankings. Command Fighter - Win 30 matches with SP Move Assist OFF. Doppelganger - Win against the same character in Versus Mode 10 times. Double K.O. - Achieve a Double K.O. in a match. Easy Commander - Win 30 matches with SP Move Assist ON. Elite - Win 3 times in Versus Mode. Emperor - Win 30 times in Versus Mode. Eternal Challenger - Play 3 matches with an opponent. EX Special Move Pro - Perform 30 EX Special Moves. Counter Attacker - Perform 30 Counter Hits. Counter Master - Perform 100 Counter Hits. Deep Fighter - Obtain 4,000 Versus Battle Points Dirty Dawg - Lose 3 times in Versus Mode. Disciple - Win 3 times in a row in Versus Mode. EX Special Move Sage - Perform 100 EX Special Moves. Fighting Baccalaureate - Complete Dojo Fighting Secrets Training with all S Rankings. First Attack Master - Perform 50 First Attacks. First Attacker - Perform 10 First Attacks. Fist Crosser - Complete Dojo Final Training Exercises for all characters. Fist King - Win 20 times in Versus Mode. Fledgling Fighter - Obtain 50 Versus Battle Points. Focus Attack Pro - Perform 30 Focus Attacks. Focus Attack Sage - Perform 100 Focus Attacks. Gateway to Stardom - Finish an opponent 3 times in a row. Go and Meet Your Match - Get 2 Player Cards from players with different hometowns. Living Large - Lose 30 times in Versus Mode. Local Champ - Clear Tournament. Lofty Seeker - Play 50 matches with an opponent. Manual Defender - Win 30 matches with Auto Guard OFF. Master - Win 15 times in a row in Versus Mode. Memory of the Strong - Fight in 3 Versus Mode matches. Mercenary Fighter - Obtain 1,500 Versus Battle Points. Head of the Classes - Win against all characters in Versus Mode. I'm Shoryu-can't Touch This Skill! - Get all Achievements. Instructor - Win 10 times in a row in Versus Mode. Jack of all Trades - Use all special moves during a single match in Versus Mode. Legendary Champ - Clear Tournament on Grueling Difficulty without using a continue. Legendary Lose - Lose 20 times in Versus Mode. Merciless - Win by chip damage. Messiah - Win 10 times in Versus Mode. One with Nature - Finish an opponent using every character. Perfectionist - Achieve a Perfect victory. Polished Fighter - Use one character 100 times. Pro Armor Breaker - Perform 3 Armor Breaks. Move Master - Land all special moves during a single match in Versus Mode. National Champ - Clear Tournament without using a continue. Next Stop, Invincibility - Finish an opponent 10 times in a row. No Crybaby - Lose 10 times in Versus Mode. No Time for the Weak - Finish an opponent 10 times. Novice - Use one character 10 times. On a Roll - Finish an opponent 5 times in a row. Once in a Lifetime - Use all characters in Versus Mode. Replay Gatheror - Save a replay video. Replay Maniac - Sace 20 replay videos. Road to Becoming a True Warrior - Fight in 10 Versus Mode matches. Sage Armor Breaker - Perform 30 Armor Breaks. Special Move Baccalaureate - Complete Dojo Special Move Training for all characters with S Rankings. Special Move Pro - Perform 30 Special Moves. Special Move Sage - Perform 100 Special Moves. Strategy Baccalaureate - Complete Dojo Strategy Training for all characters with S Rankings. Street Fighter - Obtain 7,000 Versus Battle Points. Stun Attacker - Stun your opponent 10 times. Stun Master - Stun your opponent 50 times. Super Combo Finish - Win by Super Combo Super Combo Pro - Perform 10 Super Combos. Super Combo Sage - Perform 50 Super Combos. That's It, Grasshopper - Finish an opponent 3 times. The Proof is in the Scars - Fight in 30 Versus Mode matches. The Tip of the Sword - Finish an opponent 30 times. Throw Master - Perform 30 throws. Throw Sage - Perform 100 throws. Tireless Go-Getter - Play 20 matches with an opponent. True Warrior - Complete Dojo Final Training Exercises for all characters with S Ranking. Tweet Fighter - Tweet on Twitter using the game. Ultimate Perfectionist - Achieve a Perfect victory on Grueling Difficulty. Ultra Combo Finish - Win by Ultra Combo. Ultra Combo Pro - Perform 10 Ultra Combos. Ultra Combo Sage - Perform 50 Ultra Combos. Victory By Decision - Win By Time Over Well Known Fighter - Obtain 2,500 Versus Battle Points. What Have We Here? - Get 5 Player Cards from players with different hometowns. Wilted Flower - Win using all characters in Versus Mode. World Champ - Clear Tournament on Grueling Difficulty. You're a Contender - Be recognized as an opponent by 2 people. |
View: 4859 times |
Updated: 2011.02.26 |
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