Super KO Boxing 2 - iPhone

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Super KO Boxing 2 - iPhone
Name of the file: Super KO Boxing 2 - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE]

Game Center achievements
Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Baby Love: Get hugged by Baby Face.
Big Bang: Find C.M. 0083's weak spot.
Blam Blam Town: Clear the Blam Blam Town circuit.
Bold Move: Taunt the Executioner 10 times in one match.
Brown Out: TKO Dynavolt.
Bruiser: Max out Ka-rak's face or body damage.
Car Sick: Dizzy Baby Face.
Cave Woman: Damage Ka-rak.
Chubby Tummy: Knock down Gip with only low punches.
Classic KO: KO Bigger Gip in the first round.
Confusion Level 5: Dizzy Grogul.
Contender: Win a challenge match.
Dizzy King: Dizzy King Tub 6 times in one match.
Dizzy Knock Down: Land a dizzy knock down.
Dodge Right: Lose to Chief in the first round.
El Bulli Superior: Beat El Bulli using only Super Punches.
Electric Pig: Beat Gip with a Lightning KO.
First Step: Knock down Executioner.
Fist Full Of Punches: Throw 2000 punches.
Fists of Fury: Throw 100 Punches.
Fists of steel: Throw 500 punches.
Fizzle Out: Dizzy Dynamo.
Gangstar: Perfect 15 Cent without blocking.
Ghetto Blaster: Dizzy Shogun.
Hari Kari: Lose to Sake Bomb three times.
Highway to...: Knock down El Diablo in under a minute.
Hisatsu: Find Sake Bomb's 'Weak Spot.'
Hype Man: Avoid 15 Pence's tiger attack.
Island Getaway: Knock Dr. Voodude down 4 times in one match.
King of Flavor: TKO 15 Pence.
Light Speed: Beat C.M. 0083 in the first round.
Lightning Knock Out: Land a Lightning Knock Out.
Long Haul: Beat 10 opponents in Endurance Mode.
Magic Missile: Beat Grogul without getting hit.
Medicine Man: Knock Dr. Voodude down with zero health.
Merry-Go-Round: Avoid Baby Face's pin attack.
Mummy Man: Knock down King Tub.
Nagare Boshi: Land a 'Star Punch' on Sake Bomb.
Old School: Beat Shogun without using your Super Punch.
Power Punch: Land a level 3 Super Punch on Voo Dude.
Pyramid Scheme: TKO King Tub.
Raging Bulli: Beat El Bulli without getting hit in under a minute.
Rain Dance: Beat Chief with a Lightning KO.
Rechargeable: Lose 10 times to Dynavolt.
Respect the Voodoo: Beat Voo Dude without taunting.
Royal Pain: KO 15 Pence.
Rubber Soles: Knock down Dynavolt without getting hit or blocking.
Sad Viking: Win against Bigger Gip by decision.
Seeing Stars: Dizzy 15 Cent.
Short Haul: Win 5 Endurance Matches.
Spectator: Watch Tha Shogun's full intro.
Spell Bound: Get cursed by Voodude.
Stone Floor: KO Ka-rak.
Straight Shooter: Knock down El Diablo without using any hook punches.
Sucker Point: Beat Gip three times.
Super Nova: Land a level 3 super punch on C.M. 0083.
Surprise Face: Find Bigger Gip's "Weak Spot."
Sustainable Energy: Beat Dynamo in the 3rd Round.
Teh Pwned: Hit Grogul without countering.
Tha First: Beat Tha Shogun in the first round without blocking or taunting.
Tha Light: Knock The Shogun out of his dark mode.
The Champ: Beat the game.
The Devil's Fist: Land 10 consecutive punches on El Diablo.
The Master: Finish Endurance Mode.
The Shocker: Knock down Dynamo using only hook punches.
To The Mat: Knocked Out 15 Cent.
Tough Guy: Knock down Chief without dodging.
Tres Toros: TKO El Bulli.
Two Fisted: Beat Shogun with only two punches.
Vegitative State: TKO Dr. Voodude.
Weenie: Beat Executioner without taunting.
Weenieville: Clear the Weenieville circuit.
Winner: Win a match.
World Wide Clash: Clear the World Wide Clash circuit.

View: 5069 times
Updated: 2011.03.26

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