CSR Racing - iPhone

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CSR Racing - iPhone
Name of the file: CSR Racing - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE]

Renew Races
To renew/refresh races you go to Settings and then General and choose Date and Time. Now turn off "Set Automatically" and then choose option "Set Date & Time". Now set the time one day forward to refresh races right away.

Faster car
In shifting, press the upshift paddle while the green shift light is flashing. For starts, after the three white lights glow, press shift and your car will accelerate faster.

Fuel Re-fill
When you've got zero fuel, check out settings, replace your time to 1 day forward, and after that resume the game. You'll have your fuel at 100% immediately.

Unlimited Totally Free Gas
To get Unlimited free gas, go to Settings and then General and choose Date and Time. Now turn off "Set Automatically" and then choose the option "Set Date & Time". Now set the time one hour forward.

Unlimited Totally Free Gold
To get Unlimited free gold, go to Settings and then General and choose Date and Time. Now turn off "Set Automatically" and then choose option "Set Date & Time". Now set the time one month forward for some extra free gold and repeat this for even more gold.

Easy Vehicles and Parts
To get Vehicles and Parts, go to Settings and then General and choose Date and Time. Now turn off "Set Automatically" and then choose option "Set Date & Time". Now set the time one hour forward to get the Vehicles and Parts right away.


To unlock the following Apple Game Center achievements, complete the following tasks:
5/5... We Hope! :) (10 GP) - Rate the app for this
All Tier 1 Events (20 GP) - Finish all events in Tier 1
All Tier 2 Events (20 GP) - Finish all events in Tier 2
All Tier 3 Events (20 GP) - Finish all events in Tier 3
All Tier 5 Events (20 GP) - Finish every events in Tier 5
AUDIophile (5 GP) - Purchase a Audi car
Big Spender (25 GP) - Invest an overall total of $5 million
Buy My Wheels (5 GP) - Purchase a BMW car
Can you afFORD it? (5 GP) - Purchase a Ford car
Chameleon (5 GP) - After creating the colour of your car
Collector (10 GP) - Unlock after having 18 cars
Did I Win? (10 GP) - Win the race below 1/100 seconds
Drag King (100 GP) - Defeat every The Crew Leaders
Drag Queen (40 GP) - Defeat the 3th crew leader
Enthusiast (10 GP) - Purchase a car from four different tiers
Errol Would Be Proud (20 GP) - Beat a 15 sec.1/2 Mile
Every Tier 4 Events (20 GP) - Finish all events in Tier 4
Half Tier 1 Events (10 GP) - Have 50% of events in Tier 1
Half Tier 2 Events (10 GP) - Have 50% of events in Tier 2
Half Tier 3 Events (10 GP) - Have 50% of events in Tier 3
Half Tier 4 Events (10 GP) - Have 50% of events in Tier 4
Half Tier 5 Events (10 GP) - Finish half of events in Tier 5
Maybe (30 GP) - Defeat the 2nd crew leader
Mr Impatient (5 GP) - Pay in order to speed up the delivery of a car
niCe and HEaVY (5 GP) - Purchase a Chevrolet car
Oh, So Close... (10 GP) - Lose the race below 1/100 seconds
Only a MINI purchase (5 GP) - Purchase a Mini car
plaiN IS SANe (5 GP) - Purchase a Nissan car
Slick Shifter (10 GP) - Make every run shift a Perfect one
Smoking! (10 GP) - Wheelspin for 500 feet S
o You Wanna Go Fast? (15 GP) - Unlock after completly upgrade a car
Speed Demon (10 GP) - After you reach 180mph
Straight Line Speed (20 GP) - Beat 10 Sec. 1/4 Mile
Wannabe (20 GP) - Defeat the 1st crew leader
Where's My Opponent? (10 GP) - Win the race with more than a 1 second
You Got Gold! (10 GP) - Invest 250 gold
You've Been Fettled (5 GP) - For this you have to use the mechanic

View: 6357 times
Updated: 2013.05.31

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