Card Wars - Adventure Time - iPhone

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Card Wars - Adventure Time - iPhone
Name of the file: Card Wars - Adventure Time - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE]

Free Cards:
At the 'Main' menu select the 'gear' icon followed by 'Redeem Code' (white computer icon) option. Then enter one of the following codes (without the quotes) to recieve the corresponding card in your Deck Builder.

Cerebral Blood Storm:
Enter 'C3R3BL'
Pig (Upgraded):
Enter 'P1GGY1'

PJ Finn:
Enter 'UND3RPANT5'

Brief Power Spell:
Enter 'BRIEF'

Doctor Finn Character:

"Algebraic" Cheats:
In the game at the main menu tap (or click) the gear box and it will take you to the settings, in the settings press on the little game console that say "Redeem Code" under it, after that a pop-up for entering codes will appear for well, Codes!
The various codes are
P1GGY1-The Pig(Creature)
C3R3BL-Cerebral Bloodstorm(Spell
BRIEF-Brief Power(Spell)
WINTER BMO-Bmo, Winter Edition(Hero)
CUTIE PIE-Snuggle Tree(Creature)
MINSTR3L-Embarrassing Bard(Creature)
123224-Music Mallard(Creature)
NICE ONE-Mace Stump(Creature)
AWESOMA TUDE-Mace Stumpe(Creature)
COOL DUDE-Freezy J(Creature)
ME-MOW-Freezy J(Creature)

Please do note that the codes are case sesitive so entering "p1ggy1" will not function.
Also take note that there are other codes, but they do not function anymore.
I hope these codes helped you expand and improve your gameplay!

View: 11792 times
Updated: 2016.10.07

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