Warhammer 40K: Armageddon - iPhone

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Warhammer 40K: Armageddon - iPhone
Name of the file: Warhammer 40K: Armageddon - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE]

Secret Words:
During gameplay press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C to bring up the 'Secret Word' entry screen. Then enter one of the following secret words (without the quotes) to activate the corresponding effect.

Change Player's Glory by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'glory (number)'

Change Recruitment Points by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'points (number)'

Change Unit Purchase Slots by Specified Amount (can be negative):
Type 'slots (number)'

End Current Scenario with Specified Outcome (0 for decisive victory, 1 for marginal victory, 2 for defeat):
Type 'endscn (number)'

Set a Unit's Experience Points to Specified Value:
Type 'exp (number)'

Set a Unit's Strength to Specified Value:
Type 'str (number)'

Set Scenario Turn Count:
Type 'turns (number)'

Toggle Movement Speed Set to 50 for your Units:
Type 'turbo units'

Toggle View of ALL Unit Locations through Fog of War:
Type 'fog of war'

Toggles Zone of Control for your Units:
Type 'no zoc'

View: 11119 times
Updated: 2016.10.07

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