Name of the file: Dungeon Hunter - iPhone - Author: ANO - [IPHONE] |
Achievements Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement and Gameloft points. Level 10 (20 points): Reach level 10. Level 20 (40 points): Reach level 20. Level 30 (60 points): Reach level 30. Level 40 (80 points): Reach level 40. Level 50 (100 points): Reach level 50. Big Damage (20 points): Deal 50 damage with a single attack. Awesome Damage (40 points): Deal 100 damage with a single attack. Incredible Damage (60 points): Deal 150 damage with a single attack. Epic Damage (80 points): Deal 200 damage with a single attack. One Hit Kill (100 points): Kill a monster with a single hit. The Warrior King (100 points): Beat the game as a Warrior. The Rogue King (100 points): Beat the game as a Rogue. The Mage King (100 points): Beat the game as a Mage. 10,000 Gold (25 points): Own 10,000 gold in your inventory. 100,000 Gold (60 points): Own 100,000 gold in your inventory. 1,000,000 Gold (100 points): Own 1,000,000 gold in your inventory. The Good King (50 points): Complete all quests and side quests. Water Fairy (20 points): Unlock Wetty the water fairy. Wind Fairy (20 points): Unlock Windy the air fairy. Earth Fairy (20 points): Unlock Rocky the earth fairy. Fire Fairy (20 points): Unlock Hotty the fire fairy. Fairy Charged Up (50 points): Unlock all fairy epic spells. Invincible (200 points): Beat the game without dying. Invisible (35 points): Cross a level without killing anyone. Skilful King (25 points): Beat a level only by using skills or spells. Pure Melee (25 points): Beat a level without using skills or spells. Specialist (25 points): Train a skill to level 10. Fully Equipped (25 points): Equip all slots in your inventory.. Magic Gear (50 points): Equip all slots with magic items.. Legendary Gear (100 points): Equip all slots with blue magic items or better.. Epic Gear (150 points): Equip all slots with gold magic items.. Thamos (25 points): Reach Thamos. Plenko (25 points): Reach Plenko's Castle. Jeremo (25 points): Reach Jeremo. Gothicus (25 points): Reach Gothicus. |
View: 4408 times |
Updated: 2010.06.15 |
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