Fortnite Battle Royale - Nintendo Switch

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Fortnite Battle Royale - Nintendo Switch
Name of the file: Fortnite Battle Royale - Nintendo Switch - Author: ANO - [NINTENDO]

All hands on deck
You have 50 team members. That means team work is going to be more important than ever, because the enemy will have 50 team members too.

This means stick with members of your team, make sure to revive team mates, and share weapons, shields, and fortifications.

If you can get to the circle early, start building and get ready to defend from enemies moving in. Although, with the next tip, they'll be coming from more locations than just on the ground.

Fully fortified
All this aerial mobility means your building skills are going to be truly put to the test. You don't just need to worry about lines of sight in front of you and to the sides, but from above, too.

In situations where you want to cover yourself, it makes roofs and ceilings more important than ever, and when it comes to building fortifications, it means more height is going to put you at an advantage.

So yeah, you need to be prepared from all angles. Just remember, there's no such thing as overbuilding.

Straight to the circle
One of the first things you should do is, well, go straight for the circle. In Soaring 50s, the final circle will be in place pretty much from the beginning.

Sorry, this means you won't be able to explore season 6's new areas in this mode, maybe try Playground mode for that one.

Though it does also mean you're in for an intense battle - if the enemy battle bus ends up soaring over the circle before yours, or you jump out at a distance from it, you could find yourself in a risky situation.

Gather materials.
Build forts.
Shoot people.

We don't need roads
Who needs roads? Not you in this game mode. It's called Soaring 50s for a reason, after all.

In this game mode there'll be more bounce pads, more Grapplers, and you'll be able to soar across the map with your glider. Though, this has had some balance changes, too.

Grapplers will now have 10 charges instead of 15, and the sound of your glider opening and closing will be more audible to players nearby, so you won't be able to get the drop on them quite as easily as before.

View: 1263 times
Updated: 2020.08.16

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