Final Fantasy VII - Nintendo Switch

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Final Fantasy VII - Nintendo Switch
Name of the file: Final Fantasy VII - Nintendo Switch - Author: ANO - [NINTENDO]

Cheat Codes
As with other Final Fantasy VII ports, the Switch port of Final Fantasy VII allows you to use cheats by pressing buttons in battles or in the field. Press the buttons below to trigger the named effect.

Effect Code
Battle Boost (fully heals all allies' HP/MP, fills the Limit Break gauge) Press the right Joycon stick.
No Encounters (does not prevent forced encounters, such as bosses) Press both Joycon sticks.
Speed Boost (triples gameplay speed) Press the left Joycon stick.

Final Heaven Piano Puzzle
In the latter half of the game, when Cloud rejoins your party, go to Tifa's House in Nibelheim with her in your party. You can play a sequence of notes on the piano in order to obtain the Final Heaven, the item needed for Tifa's Limit Break. After playing all the notes, press Start. The button sequence corresponding to the notes you need to play is below: hyphens separate individual buttons, and buttons grouped in parentheses with a plus sign mean to press them together. For example, "(A+B)" means to press A and B simultaneously, where "A - B" means to press A, then press B.

Effect Code
Obtain the Final Heaven A - Y - X - (L+X) - (L+Y) - A - Y - X - (L+A) - B - A - Y - A.

Master Materia
There is a special kind of Materia known as Master Materia. This Materia can be for Magic, Command, or Summon commands, and contains the effects of all the Materia of that type in one. You can obtain two of each.

Unlockable How to unlock
Master Command Materia Master all Command Materia.
Master Command Materia Defeat the Emerald Weapon, and give the Earth Harp to the traveller in Kalm.
Master Magic Materia Master all Magic Materia.
Master Magic Materia Defeat the Emerald Weapon, and give the Earth Harp to the traveller in Kalm.
Master Summon Materia Master all Summon Materia.
Master Summon Materia Defeat the Emerald Weapon, and give the Earth Harp to the traveller in Kalm.

Rocket's Huge Materia
When obtaining the Huge Materia from the rocket in the late portions of the game, the code to obtain it is B, X, A, A.

View: 1517 times
Updated: 2020.08.16

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