Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas - Cars & Bikes & Gym Tweak

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Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas - Cars & Bikes & Gym Tweak

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seconds before downloading you file... We are preparing your file.

Name of the file: Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas - Cars & Bikes & Gym Tweak - Author: SRI - [PC]

This package includes two programs.
GtaCarTweak & GtaGym

The GtaCarTweak should only be run from the game directory.
This program alters a few features of cars & bikes
Please take a minute to launch the program and click on the ? icon
& go through the explanations.

The GtaGym is a gym helper. It saves you from punching
keys nonstop while working in the gym.
Run the program - It wont display anything. Dont worry,
it will be running in the background and will close when
you exit GTA (It will also close automatically if you dont
start GTA in 2 minutes).
There are two keys you can use inside a gym

1. Ctrl+Alt+Down key - This continuously simulates 'space'
    key-press. You can use this while you're on the cycle
    and the treadmill (these two will increase stamina)
2. Ctrl+Alt+Right key - This continuously simulates a 
    space key & a mouse click. Use this to work on the weights.
    (this will increase muscle)
And press any one of the two key-combinations again to stop.
A little advice - Dont put on too much muscles. That'll make
you a bit slow & sluggish (in real life too :). Anyway it's a
requirement to make some girlfriends.

Be careful & dont use these outside the gym.

Please drop a line & let me know if you are using these
You can reach me at
Thank you for using.

...You will find the rest of this information in: Readme.txt,

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Name of the zip file:

File size: 24 083 octets

Downloads: 6195 times
Updated: 2008.01.02

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