Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War : Soulstorm - Zoom Mod

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Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War : Soulstorm - Zoom Mod

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Name of the file: Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War : Soulstorm - Zoom Mod - Author: ALE - [PC]

--	Interpolation in camera motion and camera snapping
--	*Rate = rate to interpolate
--	*Base = base to perform interpolation in (2.71828 for linear, must be >1)
--	*Threshold = threshold to start performing interpolation




--	Controls the speed of the zoom with the double button press

--	Controls the speed of the zoom on the wheel

--	Mouse rotation speed : scales the mouse motion to perform the camera rotation
--	up-down	
--	left-right

--	Distance ranges in meters (may be influenced by selected object size)

--	This is as close to the terrain that the eye can get, unless focused on a
--	point that is closer to the terrain than this.

--	When focused onto a point on the terrain this is the ammount (in meters)
--	that the target is raised above the terrain by.

--	This is the closest that you can zoom in when you are focused at point
--	on the terrain.

--	Declination range : max angle you can look at a target from above/below

--	Pan scaling ......

...You will find the rest of this information in: camera_ed.lua,

if you download this file: alew40kdowszomod.zip
Trainers City

-- Notes:
-- 1. In IC, BIAp and BX2p, the camera's standard movement is driven
--    by its target.  When the camera is focused on enttiies, those entities
--    are the camera's target.  When the camera is free roaming (nothing focused), 
--    the target is computed by intersecting rays with the terrain.  
--    This is the "target-interpolation" mode.
-- 2. The camera may also be driven in other ways.  For instance, during
--    NISes and IC NISlets, the position of the camera is driven directly
--    without any assumed targets.  This is the "eye-interpolation" mode.
-- 3. Different camera parameters may be interpolated differently.  
--	*Rate = rate to interpolate; in units-per-second
--	*Base = base to perform interpolation in (2.71828 for linear, must be >1)
--              the following graphs illustrates the effect of different bases
--      out |      .
--          |    .`       smaller base -> more linear; large input yields large output
--          |..``
--          +--------- in
--      out |    .
--          |   .`        larger base -> less linear; large input yields very large output
--          |..`
--          +--------- in
--	*Threshold = threshold to start performing interpolation (defaults to 1)

--      Controls how fast to pan the camera / how closely does the camera follow its target.
--      Rate in meters per secon......

...You will find the rest of this information in: camera_high.lua,

if you download this file: alew40kdowszomod.zip
Trainers City

-- Notes:
-- 1. In IC, BIAp and BX2p, the camera's standard movement is driven
--    by its target.  When the camera is focused on enttiies, those entities
--    are the camera's target.  When the camera is free roaming (nothing focused), 
--    the target is computed by intersecting rays with the terrain.  
--    This is the "target-interpolation" mode.
-- 2. The camera may also be driven in other ways.  For instance, during
--    NISes and IC NISlets, the position of the camera is driven directly
--    without any assumed targets.  This is the "eye-interpolation" mode.
-- 3. Different camera parameters may be interpolated differently.  
--	*Rate = rate to interpolate; in units-per-second
--	*Base = base to perform interpolation in (2.71828 for linear, must be >1)
--              the following graphs illustrates the effect of different bases
--      out |      .
--          |    .`       smaller base -> more linear; large input yields large output
--          |..``
--          +--------- in
--      out |    .
--          |   .`        larger base -> less linear; large input yields very large output
--          |..`
--          +--------- in
--	*Threshold = threshold to start performing interpolation (defaults to 1)

--      Controls how fast to pan the camera / how closely does the camera follow its target.
--      Rate in meters per secon......

...You will find the rest of this information in: camera_low.lua,

if you download this file: alew40kdowszomod.zip
Trainers City

----Dawn of War Mini-Mod----

--------By Alex Gnome--------
Modded version by Inquisitoriae. This version (1.3) retains the default orbit angle. It works fine in Dark Crusade: Just put the files in 40k\data.
Credits go to Alex Gnome and Incarnate from the Relic Adeptus Modificatus forum.
Original readme by Alex Gnome follows:
Very simple, move the three camera .lua files (camera_ed.lua, camera_high.lua, and camera_low.lua) into the Engine\Data folder in your Dawn of War install folder (The W40k\Data folder works too if that's what floats your boat.)  You DO NOT need the original to use this.  It is a stand alone mod.  For those of you who have the original, thank you for downloading it, and all you need to do is put this one in the same folder, and over-write the old ones.

---------1.2 Changes---------
I lowered the field of view width from the 1.1 (it is still higher than the original though), and I reverted the defualt angle to the orignal.  The field of view was lowered because it didn't look good (it curved the edges) amd the angle was reverted because I didn't like it.  The previous stuff still remains the same.


...You will find the rest of this information in: readme.txt,

if you download this file: alew40kdowszomod.zip
Trainers City

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: alew40kdowszomod.zip
Trainers City

Name of the zip file: alew40kdowszomod.zip

File size: 7 634 octets

Downloads: 9978 times
Updated: 2008.04.05

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