Name of the file: Sins of A Solar Empire Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Achievements Accomplish the indicated achievement to get Gamerscore points: Ensign: Win the game as a TEC player. Acolyte: Win the game an Advent player. Initiate: Win the game as Vasari player. Master of any Domain: Win the game as a Random player. Plug Puller: Win the game by yourself against at least one hard AI player. Toaster Roaster: Win the game by yourself against at least two hard AI players. Comp Stomper: Win the game by yourself against at least three hard AI players. Actually HAL, I can do that: Win the game by yourself against at least four hard AI players. Fear the Icebergs: Win the game without building any Capital Ships. No Exhaust Port Found: Win the game without building any strike craft. Best Defense is a Good Offense: Win the game without building any Tactical Structures. Go Big or Go Home: Win the game without building and Frigates or Cruisers. TEC Military Researcher: Research every subject in the Military Tree while researching no subjects in the Civilian Tree. Advent Hostility Researcher: Research every subject in the Hostility Tree while researching no subjects in the Harmony Tree. Vasari Warfare Researcher: Research every subject in the Warfare Tree while researching no subjects in the Empire Tree. TEC Civilian Researcher: Research every subject in the Civilian Tree while researching no subjects in the Military Tree. Advent Harmony Researcher: Research every subject in the Harmony Tree while researching no subjects in the Hostility Tree. Vasari Empire Researcher: Research every subject in the Empire Tree while researching no subjects in the Warfare Tree. Archaeologist: Find and own every artifact at the same time. TEC Fleet Diversification: Have atleast one of every TEC Capital Ship built at the same time. Advent Fleet Diversification: Have atleast one of every Advent Capital Ship built at the same time. Vasari Fleet Diversification: Have atleast one of every Vasari Capital Ship built at the same time. Capital Ship Captain: Get a Capital Ship to maximum experience level. Squadron Leader: Own at least 100 Squadrons at once. Capital Ship Armada: Own the maximum number of Capital Ships possible. Your fleet research must also be at max level. Ship Swarm: Own the maximum number of ships possible. Your fleet research must also be at max level. Outstanding Resume: Complete at least 30 missions. Star Explorer: Travel to another star system. Escape from Max: Travel through a wormhole to discover where it leads to. Money Lender: Give 25,000 Credits to other players. Metal Lender: Give 20,000 Metal to other players. Crystal Lender: Give 20,000 Crystal to other players. Road to Peace: Form a Cease Fire with another player. Pacifist: Form a Peace Treaty with another player. Mutual Trader: Form a Trade Alliance with another player. Planet Visionary: Form an Planet Vision alliance with another player. Ship Visionary: Form a Ship Vision alliance with another Player. Family Planning: Your empire must support at least 6,000 population at once. Tax Collector: Collect 200,000 Credits from taxes. Export Maven: Collect 20,000 Credits from trade ships. Metal Miner: Collect 35,000 Metal from Resource extractors. Crystal Miner: Collect 35,000 Crstal from resource extractors. Refining Magnate: Collect 20,000 Metal or Crystal from refinery ships. Pop Idol: Spread your culture to 75\% of the galaxy. Expert Bombardier: Do 15,750 damage to planets. Frigate Killer: Destroy 1,000 enemy frigates. Capital Ship Assassin: Destroy 30 enemy capital ships. Wrecking Crew: Destroy 200 enemy planet structures. Pilot's Bane: Destroy enemy fighter craft. Pirate Exterminator: Destroy 1,000 pirate ships. Anti-Globalization: Destroy 100 trade ships. Dead Canaries: Destroy 50 refinery ships. Union Buster: Destroy 50 construction ships. Pirate Baron: Colonize a Pirate base. Space Ponies: Um... What? Colonizer: Have 30 planets colonized at the same time. Metal Speculator: Buy 10,000 Metal from the Black Market. Metal Merchant: Sell 10,000 Metal directly to the Black Market. Crystal Speculator: Buy 10,000 Crystal from the Black Market. Crystal Merchant: Sell 10,000 Crystal directly to the Black Market. Resource Opportunist: Gain 15,000 Credits from other players buying up your resources. He's no good to me dead: Spend 66,000 credits increasing the bounty on other players. World Builder: Create your own custom galaxy and preview the results |
View: 5919 times |
Updated: 2008.04.26 |
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