Legend of Mir 2 AUTOPOT Cheat Codes

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Legend of Mir 2 AUTOPOT Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Legend of Mir 2 AUTOPOT Cheat Codes - Author: ZME - [PC]

since mir3 has autopotion in game,i made a mir2 autopot
Seems Fair.Some Antivirus softwares see it as a virus(like most or mir2.exe clients) because its attaching to mir2.exe using Attach2mir2.exe.Have fun and post a replay if you will die after using this ;P

I added EXPerience x2 cheat,Speed x2 cheat and Goldx50 cheat(tested ok on project69)OPEN zip file
1)Run Attach2mir2.exe to attach bot to game
2) Open Mir2 game
3) Run autopot.exe

push setup for hp ALT+tab on game and put the mouse on hp colour where u want to activate autopot and press F11.
Same for Mp and then push save button .

If u wanna exit autopot when u are in game push F11.
goldx50 ---- give you 50xtimes more gold
mir2speed ---- speed x 2(more then x2 its bad for your charr ;)
expcheat ---- exp x2 (for more exp rate send me an email)
Attach2mir2 ---- attach the cheats to mir2 game
autopot3 ---- its hp/mp auto potter
SP can be set as a white colour and use a spell key to autolvl the spell offline.
For cheats like speed,teleport and money send me a PM or email.

View: 9238 times
Updated: 2009.08.28

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