Name of the file: Need For Speed : Shift v1.2 Trainer +14 - Author: CHA - [PC] |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Need for Speed Shift Trainer ==================================== PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: MAR 02, 2010 This is for the patched 1.2 version! GET UPDATES FOR THIS TRAINER AT WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM Using this Trainer ------------------ Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu. Listen for "Activated". Press desired option key Options ------- Numpad 1: Pileup Burst Numpad 2: Mega Money Numpad 3: 1000 Aggression Points Numpad 4: 1000 Precision Points Numpad 5: Unlimited Nitrous Numpad 6: Save Position Numpad 7: Teleport Numpad 8: Undo Teleport Numpad 9: Super Jump Numpad .: Quick Race Numpad +: Quick Time Attack Race Numpad -: Mega Stars Numpad 0: Unlock Cars Numpad *: Unlock Upgrades Notes ------- Numpad 1: Pileup Burst - press this key while in race and you will see your opponents will crash instantly. Use this to get ahead of them or for just the fun of it. Numpad 2: Mega Money - turn this on and then enter the CAR LOT and you will see that you have more money! Numpad 3:...... |
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Downloads: 10346 times |
Updated: 2010.03.03 |