Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 : Chaos Rising Cheat Codes

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Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 : Chaos Rising Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of War 2 : Chaos Rising Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of

Gamerscore points:
Chaos Lord (70 points): Play 20 Ranked games using Chaos in Chaos Rising.
Blood God (25 points): Win a Ranked game using only Khorne-themed units in Chaos Rising.
Plague Father (25 points): Win a Ranked game using only Nurgle-themed units in Chaos Rising.
Bringer of Change (25 points): Win a Ranked game using only Tzeentch-themed units in Chaos Rising.
Chaos Undivided (25 points): Win a Ranked Team Battle with each Chaos hero on the team in Chaos Rising.
King Of The Hill (50 points): Win 10 online Free for All matches in Chaos Rising.
Manipulator (25 points): Score 500,000 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.
Overlord (60 points): Reach level 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.
Usurper (60 points): Beat wave 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.
The Emperor's Justice (20 points): Defeat the Traitor Guardsmen on Aurelia in Chaos Rising.
The Enemy Exposed (50 points): Defeat the true enemy attacking Angel Forge in Chaos Rising.
The Challenge Answered (50 points): Answer the enemy commander's challenge on Aurelia in Chaos Rising.
Enemy of Chaos (70 points): Complete campaign on Recruit Difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising.
Conqueror of Chaos (70 points): Complete campaign on Sergeant Difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising.
Bane of Chaos (70 points): Complete campaign on Captain Difficult or harder in Chaos Rising.
End of Chaos (70 points): Complete campaign on Primarch Difficulty in Chaos Rising.
Common Foe (25 points): Complete 1 Chaos Rising mission in Co-Op.
Duty is its own Reward (50 points): Complete 6 Chaos Rising missions as a GUEST in Co-Op.
Bad Example (25 points): Get any squad to maximum Corruption in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests.
Relentless (25 points): Reach level 30 with any campaign squad in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests.
Forbidden Knowledge (10 points): Unlock the dark secrets of "The Fate of Galan" in Chaos Rising.
Purist (50 points): Complete a mission on the Space Hulk with 4 Terminators in Chaos Rising.
Domination (25 points): Hold 5+ victory points at once in an online Free for All in Chaos Rising.
Additionally, there is one secret achievement:

Secret achievement (25 points): Unknown.

View: 6176 times
Updated: 2010.11.25

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