Name of the file: The Elder Scrolls 5 : Skyrim Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Cheat mode Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God mode - tgm Set field of view - fov [number] Character customization menu - showracemenu Toggle God mode - tgm Toggle no clipping - tcl Toggle map markers - tmm ([0 or 1]) Toggle fly cam - tfc Toggle AI - tai Toggle combat AI - tcai Toggle AI detection; allows unlimited stealing - tdetect Add indicated perk - player.addperk [id number] Add indicated spell - player.addspell [id number] Add indicated item - player.additem [id number] Gain gold - player.additem 0000000f [number] Gain lockpicks - player.additem 0000000a [number] Set to high number to fight, set to 0 to be free - player.setcrimegold [number] Set character level - player.setlevel [number] Set movement speed; 100 is default - player.setav speedmult [number] Teleport to quest target - movetoqt player.setav stat_type x - set 'stat_type' by x (see table below for stat_type) Stat_type to be used in player.setav command Stat_type / Sets the following to the value of 'x' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speechcraft - Speech Sneak - Sneak Health - Health Magicka - Magic Stamina - Stamina Marksman - Archery item_code used in player.additem item_code / x of the items below will be added to inventory 0000000f - Gold 0000000a - Lockpicks 3esde100x - Health Potions 0000000c - Repair Hammers 0000000b - Skeleton Keys 000BEED2 - Glass Bow of Fire 000BEED5 - Glass Bow of Frost 000BEF64 - Glass Sword of Fire 000BEF67 - Glass Sword of Frost 000BEF6E - Glass Sword of Shock 0010DF76 - Glass Boots 0010CFA1 - Glass Cuirass 0001393A - Glass Gauntlets 0001393B - Glass Helmet 0001393C - Glass Shield 000139BE - Glass Arrow Joining the Dark Brotherhood After making your way to Riverwood, speak to the bartender inside the inn. Ask him if he has heard any rumors. He will eventually tell you about a boy that is trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood. Follow the subquest to Windhelm. When entering Windhelm, make an immediate right and travel up the path until you encounter a Dark Elf and child talking. Enter the door to their left and find the child inside. He will ask you to kill Grinelda The Kind in Riften. Go to Riften, enter the orphanage, and murder Grinelda. Fast Travel back to Windhelm and speak to the child again to get your reward. Next, go outside of the city and wait for twenty four hours. A courier will approach and give you a note with a black handprint on it, with the words "We Know". Go to the nearest inn, rent a room, and sleep for twenty four hours. When you awake you will have been kidnapped by one of the Dark Brotherhood. They will tell you that if you kill one of the other three people in the room they will release you. Choose a person and kill them. Speak to the Dark Brotherhood again and they will tell you to meet them at their lair in the pine forest in the far southwest corner of Skyrim. Fast Travel to the western watchtower outside of Whiterun then travel west towards the marker. When you reach the door, answer the question asked with "Silence, My Brother" to enter the sanctuary. Speak to the first person you find inside the lair, and you are now part of the Dark Brotherhood. Dragon tomb location Use a shout in front of a guard (not a dangerous one). A courier will deliver a letter from a "friend", giving you the location of another dragon tomb. Dragonreach cave puzzles Inside the cave during your first mission for Dragonreach, you are faced with a combination puzzle. Look to the wall above the closed gate. You will see two heads with a gap in the middle. Each one holds a picture of a creature (snake and dolphin). On the floor by the lever is the third creature (snake). The combination is Snake, Snake, Dolphine. The second combination is found deeper in the chambers. It is a turntable combination, which is more difficult. This one is Bear, Owl, Bird. Insert the claw and the door will open. Easy armor, spells, and general leveling Set the difficulty to "Novice" and have a weak one-handed attack enemy hit you while healing. This will level the armor you are wearing, restoration, also may level up illusion. Easy Sneak leveling At the beginning in Helgen's Keep, you will encounter a sleeping bear. Your guide states that you can either sneak past it or kill it. Just off to the left of where your guide stops is a small rock pile. Go to the back side of it, and you can sneak in the crevice there and remain hidden from the bear. Keep sneaking at the rock and your skill will increase. You can do this for as desired, because the bear only moves if it detects you. To make sure you are in a good location, sneak for a short time, then check your Sneak skill to see if it is rising. If not, move slightly closer to the bear and keep trying. Steam achievements Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Adept: Reach level 10. Alduin's Wall: Complete "Alduin's Wall". Apprentice: Reach level 5. Artificer: Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion. Bleak Falls Barrow: Complete "bleak falls barrow". Blessed: Select a Standing Stone blessing. Blood Oath: Become a member of the Circle. Bound Until Death: Complete "bound until death". Citizen: Buy a house. Daedric Influence: Acquire a Daedric Artifact. Darkness Returns: Complete "darkness returns". Delver: Clear 50 dungeons. Diplomatic Immunity: Complete "diplomatic immunity". Dragon Hunter: Absorb 20 dragon souls. Dragon Soul: Absorb a dragon soul. Dragonslayer: Complete "Dragonslayer". Elder Knowledge: Complete "elder knowledge". Expert: Reach level 25. Explorer: Discover 100 Locations. Gatekeeper: Join the College of Winterhold. Glory of the Dead: Complete "Glory of the Dead". Golden Touch: Have 100,000 gold. Hail Sithis!: Complete "hail sithis!". Hard Worker: Chop wood, mine ore, and cook food. Hero of Skyrim: Capture Solitude or Windhelm. Hero of the People: Complete 50 misc objectives. Married: Get married. Master: Reach level 50. Master Criminal: Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds. Oblivion Walker: Collect 15 daedric artifacts. One with the Shadows: Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory. Reader: Read 50 skill books. Revealing the Unseen: Complete "Revealing the Unseen". Sideways: Complete 10 side quests. Skill Master: Get a skill to 100. Snake Tongue: Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate. Standing Stones: Find 13 standing stones. Take Up Arms: Join the Companions. Taking Care of Business: Join the Thieves Guild. Taking Sides: Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army. The Eye of Magnus: Complete "The Eye of Magnus". The Fallen: Complete "the fallen". The Way of the Voice: Complete "The Way of the Voice". Thief: Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets. Thu'um Master: Learn 20 shouts. Unbound: Complete "Unbound". Wanted: Escape from jail. War Hero: Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall. With Friends Like These…: Join the Dark Brotherhood. Words of Power: Learn all three words of a shout. Skill book locations Skill books give you skill bonuses. All 18 skills have their own skill books. Search the indicated location to find the corresponding skill book: Alchemy A Game At Dinner, Volume 1: In New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. A Game At Dinner, Volume 2: In Honningbrew Brewery. Herbalist's Guide To Skyrim: In Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun. De Rerum Dirennis: In Winterhold Alchemy Lab. Herbalit's Guide To Skyrim: In the Hag's Cure in Makarth. Mannimarco King Of Worms, Volume 1: On the corpse in Evergreen Grove. Mannimarco King Of Worms, Volume 2: In the Alchemy Lab in Nightcaller Temple. Song Of The Alchemists, Volume 1: In Bards' College during Solitude. Song Of The Alchemists, Volume 2: In Anise's Cabin. Alteration Breathing Water, Volume 1: In Kraldar's House in Winterhold. Breathing Water, Volume 2: In Withing Ilinalta's Deep. Daughter Of The Niben, Volume 1: In Brandy-Mug Farmstead. Daughter Of The Niben, Volume 2: In the room next to the Jarl Of Understone in Markath. Reality And Other Flasehoods, Volume 1: In the throne room of Yngvild. Reality And Other Flasehoods, Volume 2: In the Red Eagle Ascent. Sithis, Volume 1: On Krag's corpse in Nchuand-Zel. Sithis, Volume 2: In The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. The Lunar Lorkhan, Volume 1: In the Mazaka's quarters at the Lighthouse Of Solitude. The Lunar Lorkhan, Volume 2: In the central chamber of the Arcane Enchanter of Cragwallow Slope. Archery Father Of The Niben, Volume 1: In Brinehammer Shipwreck Hold. Father Of The Niben, Volume 2: In Autumnshade Clearing, northwest of Riften, on a dead hunter. The Black Arrow Part II, Volume 1: In Drunken Huntsman Tavern in Whiterun. The Black Arrow Part II, Volume 2: In Valtheim Towers. The Gold Ribbon Of Merit, Volume 1: In Fletcher's shop in Solitude. The Gold Ribbon Of Merit, Volume 2: In Angi's Camp. The Marksmanship Lesson, Volume 1: In the map room in Dawnstar Sanctuary. The Marksmanship Lesson, Volume 2: In Gilfre's house at Mixwater. Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 1: In the Smithshop at Knifepoint Ridge. Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 2: In Froki's Shack. Block A Dance In Fire, Volume 1: In the library in Fort Snowhawk. A Dance In Fire, Volume 2: In the ruined hostel at Traitors' Post. Battle Of Red Mountain, Volume 1: In Watch Pass at Skybound. Battle Of Red Mountain, Volume 2: In Destroyed Caravan at Tolvald's Crossing. Death Blow Of Abernit, Volume 1: In the Hall Of The Dead at Whiterun. Death Blow Of Abernit, Volume 2: In the war room in Falkreath. The Mirror, Volume 1: On a sleeping mat on a redoubt of the Broken Tower. The Mirror, Volume 2: In Ulfric's bedroom in Windhelm Castle. Warrior, Volume 1: In the Boss arena in the Driftshade Refuge. Warrior, Volume 2: In the Captain's quarters in Fort Kostov. Conjuration Frostfall Part I, Volume 10: In the last room of the Word Wall in Sunderstone Gorge. Frostfall Part II, Volume 10: In Belyn Hlaalu's house in Windhelm. Hearth Fire Part I, Volume 9: In the last room in Rimerock Burrow. Hearth Fire Part II, Volume 9: Near the Mortar and Pestle shop in Dawnstar. Liminal Bridges, Volume 1: In north entrance of Shalidar's Maze. Liminal Bridges, Volume 2: At the top of Falkreath Watchtower. The Doors Of Oblivion, Volume 1: In Reachcliff Cave. The Doors Of Oblivion, Volume 2: In Fellglow Keep. The Warrior's Charge, Volume 1: In the sacrificial chamber of the Arcane Enchanter at Brittleshin Pass. The Warrior's Charge, Volume 2: In the Jarl's bed chamber in Markarth. Destruction A Hypothetical Treachery, Volume 1: In the central chamber of High Gate Ruins. A Hypothetical Treachery, Volume 2: In the Aretino residence in Windhelm. Art Of War Magic, Volume 1: In Ravenscar Hollow. Art Of War Magic, Volume 2: In White Hall at Dawnstar. Horrors Of Castle Xyr, Volume 1: In the alchemy lab in Rannveig's Fast. Horrors Of Castle Xyr, Volume 2: In Glenmoril Coven. Response To Bero's Speech, Volume 1: In Haemar's Cavern. Response To Bero's Speech, Volume 2: In Iron Breaker Mine in Dawnstar. The Mystery Of Princess Talara Part I, Volume 3: : In Winterhold. The Mystery Of Princess Talara Part II, Volume 3: : In the Upper Zone of Steepfall Burrow. Enchantment A Tragedy In Black, Volume 1: In Glenmoril Coven. A Tragedy In Black, Volume 2: In Ilinalta's Deep. Catalog Of Armor Enchantments, Volume 1: In Falion's house in Morthal. Catalog Of Armor Enchantments, Volume 2: In Steamscorch Mine in Kynsegrove. Catalog Of Weapon Enchantments: In White Hall at Dawnstar. Enchanter's Primer, Volume 1: In Valentina's house in Whiterun. Enchanter's Primer, Volume 2: In Hob's Fall Cave. Twin Secrets, Volume 1: At the top of the Arcane Enchanter in Hagraven, at Serpent's Bluff. Twin Secrets, Volume 2: In Treva's Watch. Heavy Armor Hallgerd's Tale, Volume 1: East of Ivarstead, northwest of Riften, on top of the tower on a table, guarded by Orc hunters. Hallgerd's Tale, Volume 2: In Jorrvaskr Hall at Whiterun. MidYear Part I, Volume 6: Outside the alchemy lab in Fort Dunstead prison. MidYear Part II, Volume 6: In a guardhouse in Morthal. Chimarvamidium, Volume 1: On a desk in Calcelmo's Tower in Malkorth. Chimarvamidium, Volume 2: In Darkwater Crossing. Orsinium And The Orcs, Volume 1: In Stonehills. Orsinium And The Orcs, Volume 2: In Dushnikh Yal. The Knights Of The Nine, Volume 1: In the dining area in Windhelm. The Knights Of The Nine, Volume 2: In the Hall Of The Vigilant. Illusion Before The Ages Of Man, Volume 1: In Dragonsreach Jarl's quarters in Whiterun. Before The Ages Of Man, Volume 2: In the four level room in Shroud Hearth Barrow. Incident At Necrom, Volume 1: In Pinemoon Cave. Incident At Necrom, Volume 2: In the locked room by the alchemy lab at Bloodlet Throne. Mystery Of Talara Part I, Volume 4: Near the Arcane Enchanter at Broken Fang Cave. Mystery Of Talara Part II, Volume 4: In Nepa's house in Markarth. Sun's Dawn Part I, Volume 2: In the inner sanctum in the Temple Of Dibella in Malkarth. Sun's Dawn Part II, Volume 2: Near the Hargraven's tent in Darklight Tower. The Black Arts On Trial, Volume 1: In Falkreath Jail. The Black Arts On Trial, Volume 2: In the White Phial store in Whiterun. Light Armor Ice And Chitin, Volume 1: In the guard tower in Markarth. Ice And Chitin, Volume 2: In a room under the southern bridge of Windhelm. Jornibret's Last Dance, Volume 1: In Fort Neugard's library. Jornibret's Last Dance, Volume 2: In an Autumnwatch tower. Rislav The Rigtheous, Volume 1: In the training room at Fort Greymoor. Rislav The Rigtheous, Volume 2: In the training room at Cracked Tusk. The Rear Guard, Volume 1: In Castle Dour in Solitude. The Rear Guard, Volume 2: At the Druaddach Redoubt. The Refugees, Volume 1: In a small, nameless camp west of Helgen. To reach it, follow the path, and keep left. The Refugees, Volume 2: In the Smithy Of Solitude. Lockpicking Advances In Lockpicking, Volume 1: Inside Ragged Flagon's cistern at Riften. Advances In Lockpicking, Volume 2: During the escape from Riften's jail. Proper Lock Design, Volume 1: In Cidhna Mine in Markath. Proper Lock Design, Volume 2: In the shack above the ramparts at the top of Faldar's Tooth. Surfeit Of Thieves, Volume 1: In the wreck of the Winter War. Surfeit Of Thieves, Volume 2: In Mistveil Keep in Riften. It is next to Jarl Laila Law-Giver's end table. The Locked Room, Volume 1: At Highmoon Hall in Morthal. The Locked Room, Volume 2: In Animonculary's vault in Alftrand. The Wolf Queen Part I, Volume 1: In Dawnstar jail. The Wolf Queen Part II, Volume 1: Underneath the bar in Cragslane Cavern. One-Handed Fire And Darkness, Volume 1: In Folgunthur. Fire And Darkness, Volume 2: In Esben's room in the Ratway Warrens in Riften. Mace Etiquette, Volume 1: In Orotheim. Mace Etiquette, Volume 2: In Fort Greenwall. Morning Star Part I, Volume 1: In Driftshade Refuge. Morning Star Part II, Volume 1: In Lost Echo Cave. Night Falls On Sentinel, Volume 1: In the Bandit camp northwest of Helgen. Night Falls On Sentinel, Volume 2: In Swindler's Den during a side quest. The Importance Of Where, Volume 1: In a Markath guard tower. The Importance Of Where, Volume 2: In Chillfurrow Farm. Warrior: In Driftshade Refuge. Pickpocketing Aevar Stone Singer, Volume 1: In Thonnir's house in Morthal. Aevar Stone Singer, Volume 2: In the last jail cell in Lost Valkygg. Beggar, Volume 1: Near the Ratway, at the table in room with Kajiit Lowlife. Beggar, Volume 2: In Haelga's bunkhouse in Riften. Purloined Shadows, Volume 1: In Duskglow Crevice. Purloined Shadows, Volume 2: In Honorfall Orphanage in Riften. Thief, Volume 1: In Bleak Falls Temple, Swindler's Den. Thief, Volume 2: At the Argonian Assemblage in Windhelm. Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving, Volume 1: At the bottom of Fort Sunguard's oubliette. Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving, Volume 2: In Mara's Eye Pond. Restoration Mystery Of Talara Part I, Volume 2: In Eldergleam Sanctuary. Mystery Of Talara Part II, Volume 2: In Frostflow Lighthouse. Racial Phylogeny, Volume 1: At Moorside Inn in Morthal. Racial Phylogeny, Volume 2: At Corpselight Farm in Falkreath. Rain's Hand Part I, Volume 4: In Falion's house in Morthal. Rain's Hand Part II, Volume 4: In the Hall Of The Dead in Markath. The Exodus, Volume 1: In the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. The Exodus, Volume 2: At Stendarr's Beacon. Withershins, Volume 1: At the end of Actwind Point. Withershins, Volume 2: In the Temple Of Kynarteh at Whiterun. Smithing Cherins' Heart, Volume 1: In Dawnstar's Quicksilver Mine. Cherins' Heart, Volume 2: In the forge room of Morvunskar. Heavy Armor Forging, Volume 1: In the Silent Moons Camp. Heavy Armor Forging, Volume 2: In Gloombound Mine. Light Armor Forging, Volume 1: In Lod's house in Falkreath. Light Armor Forging, Volume 2: In Embershard Mine, on the lower level of the larger area to the west. The Armorer's Challenge, Volume 1: Near the Smith's forge at Mor Khazgur. The Armorer's Challenge, Volume 2: On the Skyforge platform in Whiterun. The Last Scabbard Of Akrash, Volume 1: In Silver Hand Camp in Gallows Rock. The Last Scabbard Of Akrash, Volume 2: In the armory of Fort Sunguard. Sneak Last Seed Part I, Volume 8: In Redoran's Retreat. Last Seed Part II, Volume 8: In the room with Alain at Raldbthar. Legend Of Krately House, Volume 1: In the Black Briar Lodge. Legend Of Krately House, Volume 2: In the cellar at the Nightgate Inn. Sacred Witness, Volume 1: In an alchemy lab in Deepwood Vale. Sacred Witness, Volume 2: In Babette's room in The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. The Red Kitchen Reader, Volume 1: In the Frostmere Crypt. The Red Kitchen Reader, Volume 2: In New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. Three Thieves, Volume 1: In the room of Rattle's in Snow Veil Sanctum. Three Thieves, Volume 2: In Honningbrew Brewery's alchemy lab. Speech A Dance In Fire Part I, Volume 6: In Meeko's Shack. A Dance In Fire Part II, Volume 6: In Dead Man's Drink tavern at Falkreath. A Dance In Fire Part I, Volume 7: In Arnleif And Sons Trading Company in Markath. A Dance In Fire Part II, Volume 7: In Beggars' Row in Riften. Biography Of The Wolf Queen, Volume 1: In the Blue Palace in Solitude. Biography Of The Wolf Queen, Volume 2: In Belthor's General Goods in Whiterun. Second Seed Part I, Volume 5: In Sorli's house in Stonehills. Second Seed Part II, Volume 5: In Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm. The Buying Game, Volume 1: In Bards' College. The Buying Game, Volume 2: In the Shrine to Peyrite. Two-Handed Battle Of Sancre Tor, Volume 1: In Dustman's Cairn. Battle Of Sancre Tor, Volume 2: In Old Hroldan. King, Volume 1: In Bleakwind Bluff. King, Volume 2: In Penitus Oculatist Outpost at Dragon Bridge. Songs Of Hrormir, Volume 1: In Jorrvaskr Living Quarters. Songs Of Hrormir, Volume 2: In Jala's house in Solitude. The Legendary City Of Sancre Tor, Volume 1: In Ysgramor's Tomb. The Legendary City Of Sancre Tor, Volume 2: In Falkreath's barracks. Words And Philosophy, Volume 1: In the flooded cave of the Lost Knife Hideout. Words And Philosophy, Volume 2: In the Riften barracks. |
View: 10416 times |
Updated: 2011.11.18 |
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