Bit.Trip Core Cheat Codes

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Bit.Trip Core Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Bit.Trip Core Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Steam Achievements

ACCOMPLISHMENT - Beat the game on Normal difficulty
ADEPT - Achieved a multiplier of 50 in Normal difficulty
BIT.TRIPPER - Register a high score on the leaderboards
BOMBS.AWAY - Blast 30+ Beats at once with one Bomb
CHALLENGE.COMPLETE - Blast all Beats during a Challenge
CONTROL.COMPLETE - Beat Control in Normal difficulty
CORE.MASTER - Blast 10,000 Beats
DISCOVERY.COMPLETE - Beat Discovery in Normal difficulty
ENDURANCE.GAMER - Beat the game in one sitting without getting a Game Over
EXPLORATION.COMPLETE - Beat Exploration in Normal difficulty
FLAWLESS.CONTROL - Get a PERFECT score in Control
FLAWLESS.DISCOVERY - Get a PERFECT score in Discovery
FLAWLESS.EXPLORATION - Get a PERFECT score in Exploration
GIFTED - Achieved a multiplier of 100 in Normal difficulty
HOLD.YOUR.FIRE - Beat any level without using a Bomb in Normal difficulty
JUGGLE.MASTER - Chained 500 Beats
JUGGLER - Chained 100 Beats
MULTI.TASKER - Chained 200 Beats
OLD.SCHOOL.SKILLS - Escaped Nether Mode
REALIZATION - Watched the hidden cutscene
SUPER.DUPER - Play through one entire stage in Super Mode in Normal difficulty

View: 2623 times
Updated: 2013.02.04

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