Resident Evil 6 All Access Cheat

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Resident Evil 6 All Access Cheat

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Name of the file: Resident Evil 6 All Access Cheat - Author: SUP - [PC]

Resident Evil 6 Unlocker

I've created a patch for your save file which will unlock and maximize absolutely everything 
(except cutscenes). Yes, it will work on ANY emu and legal steam version, 
I've tested. And I am well aware of "damaged save" issue - my patcher bypasses it.

What will it do:

- Finish all campaigns
- Unlock all weapons for all characters in campaigns
- Maximize ammo, pills and health sprays for all characters in campaigns 
(if you play without infinite ammo, you'll appreciate being stocked up)
- Unlock all emblems (figurines and documents)
- Unlock all stages in The Mercenaries mode (Including "No Mercy")
- Unlock all characters and their outfits in The Mercenaries mode (Including "No Mercy")
- Unlock and purchase all skills (I already equipped skills I found most useful for all 8 slots)
- Include cheating "Training" skill in first slot in case you want to play with cheats. If you don't - simply don't use it. I don't.
- Unlock and purchase all skills in The Mercenaries mode
- Include cheating "Training" skill and other skills that don't belong there in The Mercenaries mode (again, you don't have to use them if you don't want to)

Supposedly you can patch the save as often as you want to refill your supplies on characters. As long as you don't mind your skills and controls reverting back to my settings.

P.S. Thank you for helping me gather all weapons and ammo as Agent in Ada's campaign, Sophie.

...You will find the rest of this information in: RE6 Unlocker/Readme.txt,

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

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Name of the zip file:

File size: 304 345 octets

Downloads: 3047 times
Updated: 2014.05.15

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