Homeworld Cataclysm Walkthrough

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Homeworld Cataclysm Walkthrough

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Name of the file: Homeworld Cataclysm Walkthrough - Author: ANO - [PC]


Your jump to this sector was in response to a defense call from other ships in 
the Hiigaran fleet. In this mission you'll be performing several actions, all of 
them designed to drive the current invaders away from Hiigara. 

Objective 1: Destroy Taiidan Bombers 

Check your Sensor View first to get your bearings. The flashing beacon is the 
location of the attack that's underway. Before you can help, you need more 
resources and some fighters. 

Start your Workers Harvesting resources in the immediate vicinity of the Kuun-
Lan. Build 8 Acolytes and place them on Aggressive Tactics nearby. At least two 
waves of Taiidan fighters will approach, but your Acolytes should make quick work 
of them. 

Build more Acolytes with your new resources. It's a good idea to join them with 
the first group of 8 to form a wing of 16. Set them to a group (CTRL + 1-9), 
choose Aggressive Tactics, check your sensors, and move them towards the flashing 
beacon in Claw formation. The Acolytes will engage, finishing off the Taiidan 
Bombers quickly. 

Objective 2: Explore the Designated Region 

Send your Recons to explore the area near the flashing beacon (check your Sensors 
to find it). Once the Recons are in range, you'll see the Resourcers on your 
sensor grid. 

Objective 3: Destroy the Resourcers 

Send your wing of Acolytes across the map to destroy the Resourcers discovered by 
your Recons. When they arrive, tak......

...You will find the rest of this information in: homecata_walk.txt,

if you download this file: homecata_walk.zip
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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: homecata_walk.zip
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Name of the zip file: homecata_walk.zip

File size: 16 124 octets

Downloads: 5280 times
Updated: 2002.05.16

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