Matches & Matrimony : A Pride and Prejudice Tale Cheat Codes

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Matches & Matrimony : A Pride and Prejudice Tale Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Matches & Matrimony : A Pride and Prejudice Tale Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Change Starting Skill Values:
You can change the stats or skills your character begins a game with by altering the values the game assigns to your character. As far as I know, this does not work with continued games, only new games. First, locate the game folder on your computer, which will probably have an address similar to:
"x:Program Files (x86)Matches & Matrimony A Pride and Prejudice Tale".

Open the Game folder, and locate the "main.rpy" file. Open it with Notepad. Scroll down until you reach the line that reads "# Initialize the statistics used by the game". Here, you will find all the starting values for your skills. They will be listed as two numbers, something like 10, 100. Simply change the first numbers of each pair to a maximum of 100. When you re-save your file to the Game folder, be sure to add .rpy to the file name so the game will still recognize it. Now, when you begin a new game, your skills should all be raised to the new numbers you changed them to.

View: 2483 times
Updated: 2014.10.03

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