Shadowrun Returns Cheat Codes

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Shadowrun Returns Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Shadowrun Returns Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Cheat Codes:

Press [Alt] + [F1], [Ctrl] + [F1], [Alt] + ~, or [Ctrl] + ~ during game play,
then enter one of the following codes.

Effect Code
Add karma to current player - addKarma [number]
Add AP - addAP [number]
Active player dies - suicide
End team's turn - endturn
Superspeed, cannot be shot, higher damage - toggleGodMode
Kills all enemies within indicated radius - slaughter [number]
Kills all visible enemies - deathray
Every action has 100% to hit - toggleNeverMiss
Regenerate random selection of hirelings - refreshHiring
Restores AP - restoreAP
Set HP to indicated amount - setHP [number]
Stun all visible enemies - stunray

View: 2627 times
Updated: 2014.10.04

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