1001 Spikes Cheat Codes

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1001 Spikes Cheat Codes
Name of the file: 1001 Spikes Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Tower Of Nanar Co-Op mode:
Collect five golden skulls to unlock Tower Of Nanar Co-Op mode.

Alternate character's color:
Collect four golden skulls to unlock the ability to change the
character's color.

Commander video:
Collect six golden skulls to unlock the Commander video.

Pokemon reference:
Successfully complete World 1, and watch the video sequence. Aban will
talk about the temple of Poko-mum and refer to it as "Pocket Monster",
which is the Japanese title for the Pokemon series of games.

View: 5622 times
Updated: 2014.10.06

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