Splatter Cheat Codes

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Splatter Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Splatter Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Easy "A Key Moment" achievement:
Find the locked door in the first outpost, on the right from the
repairman's house (it has two money packs inside). The key is on the
table, but you must wait until the man is outside to collect it. Go
out and wait until the man enters the house, then go to the locked
door. Note: If you talk with him after collecting the key, he will take it.

Easy "Secret Cave" achievement:
In Level 5: "We, The Remains", look behind the house where you have to
talk to Helena. The cave is further north at the end of the map.

Easy "Survival Of The Unfit" achievement:
In Level 3: "The Streets Are Alive" on the Normal difficulty, you will
be manning a gun on a truck and eventually circle around the six park
defenders. Keep them alive to get the "Survival Of The Unfit" achievement.

View: 2008 times
Updated: 2014.10.07

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