Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes

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Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Also known as: "GTA V"
Submitted by: Sudhanshu The Ultimate Warfighter Email:
I had seen that GTA 5 have same cheats as of GTA 4. So here are cheats:

Effect Password
Change weather - 468-555-0100
Get a different selection of weapons - 486-555-0150
Get a selection of weapons - 486-555-0100
Raise wanted level - 267-555-0150
Remove wanted level - 267-555-0100
Restore armour - 362-555-0100
Restore health, armor, and ammo - 482-555-0100
Song information - 948-555-0100
Spawn a Cognoscenti - 227-555-0142
Spawn a Comet - 227-555-0175
Spawn a Jetmax - 938-555-0100
Spawn a Sanchez - 625-555-0150
Spawn a SuperGT - 227-555-0168
Spawn a Turismo - 227-555-0147
Spawn an Annihiliator - 359-555-0100
Spawn an FIB Buffalo - 227-555-0100
Spawn an NRG-900 - 625-555-0100

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the final mission in the main storyline to unlock mission-
specific costumes for all three characters, including the black outfits from
stealth missions, guard uniforms from the final mission, and police uniforms.
To unlock all shirts, get a 100% game completion.

Easy max shooting and strength skills:
To easily level up the strength and shooting skill stats to 100 in approximately ten minutes, use the following trick. First, buy a lot of pistol ammunition, and then find a bus. Jump on top of the bus, and stomp on it while it is moving. Make sure to move back and forth or you will fall off after stomping. Once your strength is at 100, shoot the middle of the bus until your shooting skill is at 100. The bus should be able to take all the bullets without being destroyed.

Losing police helicopters:
At Wanted Level 3 or higher, police helicopters will begin chasing you. Avoiding helicopters will make escaping much easier. Underground tunnels and subways, underpasses, or bridges will help break the line-of-sight with helicopters. Otherwise, use a rocket launcher to shoot down the helicopter before making your escape in a vehicle.

Ammu-Nation discounts:
Successfully complete all Gun Range challenges with Bronze medals to get a 10
percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Successfully complete all Gun Range
challenges with Silver medals to get a 15 percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Successfully complete all Gun Range challenges with Gold medals to get a 25 percent discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Note: Discounts are attached to each character. Thus, getting all Gold medals with Michael will only allow him to get the 25 percent discount.

Easy money:
* To get an easy $5,000, watch for armored cars to appear. They are marked by blue dots on the map. You can get the money easily by killing the guard before he enters the armored car. If you have to open the armored car to get the money, drive into water to pop open the rear doors.

* Take note of the rivalries between large corporations. Lester will give you
information about which companies are rivals. Destroying the assets of a corporation will cause their rival's stock to rise. Use this to your advantage by first investing in the rival's stock. For example, destroying planes belonging to AirEmu at the Los Santos Airport will cause stocks in FlyUS to rise. The same can be done with oil derricks belonging to RonOil or LTDOil. When a mission objective includes destroying a corporation's asset or reputation, make sure you first invest in their competitor.
* After getting two playable characters, go to Paleto Bay and swim into the ocean. Dive at the indicated location and collect the $12,000 from the crashed airplane. Switch characters, then switch back to your original character. This will respawn the underwater money, as well as restore your oxygen. Collect the money again and repeat the process.

Ragdoll movement:
Press [Jump] then quickly press [Melee] ) while running or walking. Your character will fall and perform ragdoll movements.

Red Dead Redemption Reference:
At the end of Red Dead Redemption, you'll see an important character's grave. When you visit the mountain in Grand Theft Auto V, look for a grave near one of the motorways. It looks the same as the grave you'll see in Red Dead Redemption.

View: 3878 times
Updated: 2014.10.23

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