Luna : Shattered Hearts : Episode 1 Cheat Codes

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Luna : Shattered Hearts : Episode 1 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Luna : Shattered Hearts : Episode 1 Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Steam achievements:
Complete the following goals to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the game hub that corresponds to "Luna: Shattered Hearts - Episode 1". Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

Achievement How to unlock
Apprentice Craftsman - Level 1 Crafting Unlocked.
Back From the Dead - You successfully used love to be revived.
Bombardier - You have ignited a CoalSpark.
Chumbo Tooth - You have found a Rare Item.
Crystalline Heart - You have saved your progress.
Defeated Chumbo - You have defeated Chumbo.
Doom Gate Arrowhead - You have found a Rare Item.
Game Completed - You have completed Episode 1.
Gol Master - You saved up at least 15000 Gol.
High Jumper - You Jumped High Using Beans.
Hive Killer - You have beat the Hive Mini-Boss.
Journeyman Craftsman - Level 2 Crafting Unlocked.
Love Rider - You have taken Dez for a ride on a Zodapede.
Master Craftsman - Level 3 Crafting Unlocked.
Naturalist - You found all arrowhead types.
Shattered Heart - You have found a Rare Story Item.
Speedway - You Ran Fast Using Beans.
Targon Doll - You have found a Rare Item.

View: 2674 times
Updated: 2015.01.14

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