Shiftlings Cheat Codes

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Shiftlings Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Shiftlings Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the
game hub that corresponds to [Shiftlings]. Select the "View Stats" drop
down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

Achievement How to unlock
Beswitched : Complete Earth 2.0 level 10 while swapping no more than 11 times.
Bloated : Shift for the first time.
Crafty Velocity : Finish Sherbert in under 34 minutes.
Defied by Gravity : Complete Earth 2.0 level 10 while jumping no more than 5 times.
Hoarding the Cola : Collect 30 bottles of Black Hola Cola in a single world.
Holy Moly! : Earn all Achievements.
Mooned in Time : Finish Earth 2.0 in under 31 minutes.
Newbie Hoarder : Collect all bottles of Black Hola Cola in a single level.
No Guts, No Glory : Jump on Hammerbot's head and live to tell the tale.
Panic Box! : Get stuck at the objective in Level 9 on Hyperactivia.
Speedy Bonzo : Finish Hyperactivia in under 24 minutes.
Sucky Speed : Finish Event Horizon in under 16 minutes.
Sugar Rush : Collect all 150 bottles of Black Hola Cola.
That's a Wrap : Wrap the Shiftlings' cable all the way around an object.

View: 1926 times
Updated: 2015.04.17

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