Luminosity Cheat Codes

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Luminosity Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Luminosity Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Steam Achievements

100 Percent Awesome! Conquer 100% of the map.
Arcade mode unlocked! Congratulations! You have unlocked the Arcade mode.
Arcade Rookie Win one level in Arcade mode.
Blue Galaxy Beat the entire third galaxy in Campaign mode.
Brown Galaxy Beat the entire first galaxy in Campaign mode.
Campaign Rookie Win one level in Campaign mode.
Deconstruction Destroy 10 enemy drones using power-ups.
Dedication Win 100 levels in Arcade mode.
Demolitionist Destroy 100 enemy drones using power-ups.
Destroyer Destroy one enemy with the "Destroyer" power-up.
Every bit counts Conquer an area worth three or less points.
Flying Ace Win 500 levels in Arcade mode.
Frugal Pilot Beat a Arcade level using two or fewer lasers.
Green Galaxy Beat the entire second galaxy in Campaign mode.
Guardian Angel Block a damage while on 1 health.
Gunner Shoot 1000 lasers in total.
Heavy artillery Shoot 1000 lasers in total.
Improved Purchase a upgrade.
Level 10 - Easy Reach level 10 in Arcade mode on Easy difficulty.
Level 10 - Hard Reach level 10 in Arcade mode on Hard difficulty.
Level 10 - Insane Reach level 10 in Arcade mode on Insane difficulty.
Level 10 - Medium Reach level 10 in Arcade mode on Medium difficulty.
Level 20 - Easy Reach level 20 in Arcade mode on Easy difficulty.
Level 20 - Hard Reach level 20 in Arcade mode on Hard difficulty.
Level 20 - Insane Reach level 20 in Arcade mode on Insane difficulty.
Level 20 - Medium Reach level 20 in Arcade mode on Medium difficulty.
Level 30 - Easy Reach level 30 in Arcade mode on Easy difficulty.
Level 30 - Hard Reach level 30 in Arcade mode on Hard difficulty.
Level 30 - Insane Reach level 30 in Arcade mode on Insane difficulty.
Level 30 - Medium Reach level 30 in Arcade mode on Medium difficulty.
Lions share Conquer an area worth over 1500 points.
Master of Destruction Destroy at least three enemies with a single laser using the "Destroyer" power-up.
Red Galaxy Beat the entire fourth galaxy in Campaign mode.
Revy Unique achievement only obtainable by "Xiiph".
Sabotage Destroy 50 enemy drones using power-ups.
Ship unlocked: AMORPHOUS Congratulations! You have unlocked the "Amorphous"! It's ready to be used in the Arcade mode!
Ship unlocked: FALCON Congratulations! You have unlocked the "Falcon"! It's ready to be used in the Arcade mode!
Ship unlocked: SHIELD Congratulations! You have unlocked the "Shield"! It's ready to be used in the Arcade mode!
Ship unlocked: TERTIUS Congratulations! You have unlocked the "Tertius"! It's ready to be used in the Arcade mode!
Trigger happy Shoot 100 lasers in total.
World four perfectionist Earn all 27 stars in the fourth campaign world.
World one perfectionist Earn all 27 stars in the first campaign world.
World three perfectionist Earn all 27 stars in the third campaign world.
World two perfectionist Earn all 27 stars in the second campaign world.

View: 2232 times
Updated: 2015.06.03

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