NBA 2K16 Trainer

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NBA 2K16 Trainer

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Name of the file: NBA 2K16 Trainer - Author: CHA - [PC]




NBA 2K16 Trainer


Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".

Press desired option key

Options in Promo

F3 Key: Super Shot Clock 


F1 Key: Add Score Team 1
F2 Key: Add Score Team 2
F3 Key: Super Shot Clock 
F4 Key: End SHot Clock
F5 Key: End Quarter
F6 Key: Add Quarter Clock
F7 Key: Mega Salary Cap
F8 Key: Mega Hard Cap
F9 Key: No Fatigue
F10 Key: Unlimited Stamina
Numpad /: Super Players
Numpad *: Weak Players
Numpad -: Normal Players
Home Key: Mega Player Points
End Key: Mega Upgrade Points


F1 Key: Add Score Team 1 - each press adds 1 point to the score.  Note
	that you might have to wait a bit to see that it has increased.
	Also note that to lock this in the team needs to score some
	real points.

F2 Key: Add Score Team 2 - each press adds 1 point to the score.  Note
	that you might have to wait a bit to see that it has increased.
	Also note......

...You will find the rest of this information in: nba2k16promo-readme.txt,

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

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Name of the zip file:

File size: 556 066 octets

Downloads: 3613 times
Updated: 2015.10.05

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