Tales of Symphonia Cheat Codes

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Tales of Symphonia Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Tales of Symphonia Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Completion bonuses:
Beat and save the game, then reload the saved file. "Game Record," "Sound Test," and "Mania" should be available as options at the Title screen, and new items should be available at the Grade Shop.

Fight Aviation:
Get the nine Darkness Weapons, then head to the Darkness Temple.

Get Easy Money:
When you have rebuilt Luin Buy Sheena's new weapon Money Bag this weapon doubles your winnings from battles plus is a very good weapon. I recommend you fight the dragon at earth temple it will give 20,000 gald from killing it with the Money Bag.

View: 4188 times
Updated: 2016.02.16

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