Magic & Mayhem FAQ

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Magic & Mayhem FAQ

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Name of the file: Magic & Mayhem FAQ - Author: PDT - [PC]

                                 P D Tari's

                                  Guide to

                               Magic & Mayhem

                                 VERSION 0.3

                        Last updated: 22 October 2001

                      AN RPG/STRATEGY GAME FOR THE IBM PC

The latest version of this guide can be found at


Welcome to my guide for Magic & Mayhem (known as "Duel - The Mage Wars" in 
US) I've played this game and have really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd 
write a guide for it! So why, you might ask, I decided to write a guide 
for the game that was released two years ago (about 40 in game-years)? Few 
reasons... Firstly and foremost it is a great game that is fun to play. 
Secondly it is freely available for download from site 
(first 14 episodes last time I checked - could be more by the time you're 
reading this). Thirdly if you are keep getting beaten in all those 
multi-player RTS games (or just need to polish your RTS skills) Magic & 
Mayhem will be the perfect tutor for you since it has some elements of RTS 
(but you can pause it any time). And finally, a full 3D sequel called "Art 
of Magic: Magic & Mayhem 2" comes out soon so we better get ready.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Have fun!


Version 0.1
   Began ......

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File size: 9 986 octets

Downloads: 6588 times
Updated: 2001.04.20

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