Might & Magic IX Save Game Editor

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Might & Magic IX Save Game Editor

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Name of the file: Might & Magic IX Save Game Editor - Author: DON - [PC]

Might and Magic 9 Promotion Editor v0.3 BETA by Donovan Hawkins (http://www.physics.uci.edu/~hawkins/mm9promo.zip)

Version history:
 0.1:  First version: BETA!
 0.2:  Updated to handle parties with more than 1 NPC
 0.3:  Updated to handle savegames with money in the bank
 0.4:  Updated to handle savegames with items in the bank

WARNING: Please BACKUP your savegames before trying this, and be sure everything is working fine (check all the characters skills/inventory/stats) before  playing. Also check that you can change map areas, etc., once in the game.

 Please note that the size of the savegame CAN change after editing.

 To use: Run the program from anywhere and follow the listed steps. You can only edit one promotion quest at a time, though you can reload the same savegame after saving and edit another. The program will create a backup automatically called "mm9promo.bak" and will overwrite any file with this name (in the same directory as the file to be edited). This is ONLY a backup of the .HDR file; you MUST have a copy of the corresponding .MM9 file to use this backup (this backup is intended for correcting mistakes immediately...before the savegame is used and the MM9 file is changed).

What it does:
 Might and Magic 9 contains a list of quest "keys" that indicate what has been done so far. In particular, every promotion quest has the following:

  One or more keys to indicate that you have begun the quest
  One key for each character tha......

...You will find the rest of this information in: mm9promo.txt,

if you download this file: mm9promo.zip
Trainers City

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: mm9promo.zip
Trainers City

Name of the zip file: mm9promo.zip

File size: 229 375 octets

Downloads: 14847 times
Updated: 2002.05.27

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