Messiah Cheat Codes

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Messiah Cheat Codes

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Name of the file: Messiah Cheat Codes - Author: TCY - [PC]

█     █ ███ █     █     █     █     █████    █ █     █ ███ ██
█ █████ ███ █ █████ ███ ███ ███ █████████ ████ ███ ████ █ ███
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█     █ ███ █     █ ███ ███ ███     █████    █ ███ █████ ████

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Messiah Cheat Codes

In the game, press Escape, then type (not too fast or too slow and no pausing):

Code          Result 

ucantkillme Activate God Mode (Only for Bob, not the Host) 
fleshnblood Deactivate God Mode 
braindead AI Off 
einstein AI On 
icantsee AI Vision Off 
icanseeu AI Vision On 
freezecam Freezes Camera 
thawcam Thaws Camera 
toohardforme End Current Game 
charwireon Character Wireframe On 
charwireoff Character Wire Off 
worldwireon World Wireframe On 
worldwireoff World Wireframe Off 
onpolycount Polycount On 
offpolycount Polycount Off 
gamespot Spawn Weapon Ammo 
voodooextreme Spawn Bazooka 
softwarebuys Spawn Grenades 
weldme Spawn Welding Torch 
buzzbuzz Spawn Buzzsaw 
boomstick Spawn Pumpgun 
rapidfire Spawn Machinegun 
slicendice Spawn Maimer 
lightmeup Spawn Flamethrower 
cooloff Spawn Pak Gun 
bigbang Spawn Bazoo......

...You will find the rest of this information in: Cheats.nfo,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

Name of the zip file:

File size: 1 223 octets

Downloads: 4786 times
Updated: 2002.03.02

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