Wall-E Cheat Codes

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Wall-E Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Wall-E Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Secret codes that you can activate on the "Cheats" section in the main menu.


You must put the codes in this order:

1st: BOTOFWAR - Every enemy that gets colse to you will be destroyed except the invincible ones.

2nd: STEALTHARMOR - You become invisible.

3rd: RAINBOWLASER - New laser colour.

4th: EXPLOSIVEWORLD - Every trash cube becomes explosive (they also deal you damage).

5th: GLOWINTHEDARK - You light up in dark areas.

6th: BOTOFMYSTERY - You get some sweet ski glasses.

7th: GOLDENTRACKS - Your caterpillar tracks become golden.

View: 3164 times
Updated: 2019.08.24

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