Name of the file: Borderlands 3 Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Duplicating weapons and items 1. Place the weapons/items you want to duplicate in your inventory (cannot have them equipped). 2. Back up your saved game. This is the crucial step for the duplication exploit. Find the filepath where it stores your saved game files. Copy the saved game file to a different folder. 3. Load up the game again. In pause menu, select Social -- Mail (fourth tab) -- Send Mail -- Select Item -- Select Recipient -- Confirm Sending Mail. 4. As soon as the items are sent, exit the game and copy the saved game file from the backup folder to the original save game file path. 5. Send the same item(s) as many times as desired by repeating Steps 3-4. Note: If you send a lot of mail, there will be a one hour cooldown before you can send new mail. 6. The receiving player needs to go to Pause Menu -- Social -- Mail -- Accept The Mail. Easy "Tips Appreciated" Achievement Moxxi is found on the "Sanctuary" space ship, at Moxxi's Bar (where the slot machines are). On the middle of the bar counter is a tip jar. Simply put $100 into it to get the "Tips Appreciated" achievement. Easy Legendary weapon farming First, progress through the story until you reach Jakob's Estate on the Eden-6 planet. This is late in the story. This farm is even better after completing the story and increasing the difficulty to Mayhem III. Even on Mayhem I, you will get a lot more high-tier gear. Go to the area with the elevator that takes you up to Jakob's Mansion. There is a bridge with a New-U Station (remember the New-U Station, as it makes the farming much easier). Make sure to activate it as you pass. Run into the area with the elevator to find a Loot Tink. The Loot Tink will always respawn, and there is a chance more Loot Tinks will spawn in the area. When you defeat the Loot Tink, loot the backpack on the ground for additional loot. After defeating the Loot Tink, exit to the menu and reload to respawn at the New-U Station by the bridge. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Legendary weapons are a lot more commonly dropped by Loot Tinks. If you play on Mayhem III, it is possible to get multiple Legendary weapons per run. It only takes a few minutes per run. Infinite money First, back up your saved game file using the steps listed in the "Duplicating weapons and items" exploit. In Co-Op/Splitscreen mode, choose to trade with another player. Give them your money and or most valuable items. Then, copy back your backup save and give the money again. Repeat this as many times as desired. Mayhem mode Successfully complete the story to unlock Mayhem mode. In this mode, enemies are tougher, but there are better weapon drops. There are three different levels in Mayhem mode. The higher the level, the harder the enemies become, but the better the loot drops are. One Pump Chump Legendary weapon Enter Lectra City from Meridian Metroplex. From the entrance of Lectra City, go straight ahead to the location of the "Proof Of Wife" mission. Once you reach this location, go to the bottom of the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs, go forward and stay to the left wall. Once you reach the opening on the left, continue forward to find a small alleyway on the left. Go down the alleyway to see a chainlink fence on the left side. Inside the room with the chainlink fence are some switches. Activate the switches to turn on all the TVs down the hall. The sequence they are activated may be different some times. The following sequence should work most times: Press the button on the left, turn the wheel on the right, pull the lever to the right of the wheel, and then pull the lever on the left (may need to pull it twice). Once the five TVs at the end of the hall have been turned on, the "One Punch" enemy will come running out of the door towards you. He can kill you with one hit. Kill him to get a chance at the "One Pump Chump" Legendary weapon dropping. If it does not drop, leave the area and repeat the steps again until you get the One Pump Chump weapon. The One Pump Chump weapon is a powerful shotgun that kills most enemies with one shot and has a 50% chance not to consume ammo when fired. Shift Codes In order to use Shift Codes, you must sign up for an account on the Borderlands VIP website, found here: Once you create your account, you will gain access to the VIP program and also gain the ability to enter Shift Codes. Enter the desired code to receive the item in your game. Effect Password Golden Key x1 ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5 Golden Key x1 Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6 Golden Key x1 ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36 Golden Key x1 HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3TTB-RSBHR Golden Key x3 ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H Golden Key x3 9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z VIP Codes Enter one of the following VIP codes under your SHiFT/VIP account at Borderlands VIP Codes redemption to unlock the indicated number of points. The points can be used to unlock exclusive skins and more. Make sure to select the matching code type when redeeming a code (E-mail, Creator, Boost, Diamond, Vault, etc.). Note: Some codes may expire over time. OVERABILLION (E-mail / 1,000 points) OVERONEBILLION (E-mail / 250 points) DOKTORFROID-BL3LAUNCH (Creator / 200 points) EARLYACCESS (Creator / 500 points) ALMOSTTHERE (E-mail / 1,000 points) DREAMLANDVIP (Vault / 100 points) JABBER (E-mail / 1,000 points) UNBLINKINGEYE (E-mail / 1,000 points) ITSHERE (E-mail / 1,000 points) AIRLEMAGVIP (Vault / 250 points) MADSKILLZ (E-mail / 250 points) SEVENDAYS (Vault / 250 points) DUCTTAPEMOD (E-mail / 250 points) ABCEASYAS123 (E-mail / 250 points) INTERTOYSVIP (Vault / 100 points) PLAYERONEVIP (Vault / 100 points) YOURGAMEZONEVIP (Vault / 100 points) NEDGAMEVIP (Vault / 100 points) ALLYOURGAMESVIP (Vault / 100 points) GAMEMANIAVIP (Vault / 100 points) BOLVIP (Vault / 100 points) MEDIAMARKTVIP (Vault / 100 points) FORTNITEXMAYHEM (E-mail / 250 points) JVMVIP (Vault / 250 points) OVERCLOCKED (E-mail / 250 points) BUILDURSQUAD (E-mail / 250 points) LESSTHANTHREE (E-mail / 250 points) DASHERZ (E-mail / 250 points) POWERUPE-mail (E-mail / 250 points) FRESHBOOTY (E-mail / 250 points) ONTHEHUNT (E-mail / 250 points) MAYHEM (Vault / 250 points) MYMAIN (E-mail / 250 points) PWR2PLYRS (Vault / 250 points) CLAPTASTIC (E-mail / 250 points) SOHAPPYTOGETHER (E-mail / 250 points) HEYSUGAR (E-mail / 250 points) COHHVIP (Creator / 250 points) 2KLOVE (E-mail / 500 points) BL3ATE3 (E-mail / 250 points) BL3WELCOME (E-mail / 250 points) LOADINGBARD (Vault / 250 points) BL3REVEAL (E-mail / 100 points) JOYPUKE (E-mail / 250 points) LOOTLOOTLOOT (E-mail / 250 points) FIGHT4SANCTUARY (E-mail / 250 points) GAMEVIP (Vault / 250 points) IGNVIP (Vault / 250 points) |
View: 2419 times |
Updated: 2019.09.29 |
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