Name of the file: Lost Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
All Puzzles Guide: ------------------ This guide will explain how to complete the game, solving all puzzles. This guide assumes you are using the patched version of the game. You may be able to complete some steps in a different order than the one listed here, however the result is ultimately the same. -=Basic controls Most interaction in this game is done by left-clicking objects in the picture. Sometimes this will cause a change in the picture, other times it will cause you to pick up an object. Objects that are picked up can be used immediately by moving the object over the correct location and left-clicking, or added to your inventory for later use by moving the mouse to the top of the screen and left-clicking when the inventory bar appears. You will know if an object can be used in a location if the object changes colour to yellow. Objects from your inventory can be selected by moving your mouse to the top of the screen, then left-clicking the desired object when the inventory bar appears. Some objects in the world need to be dragged by left-clicking and holding down the mouse button, then moving the mouse to drag the object in the desired direction. Pressing the ESC key brings up the games menu, and allows you to adjust the sound and reset a puzzle you have already completed. Clicking the eye found in the top-right corner of the screen will provide a hint, which you can hide by clicking the eye a second time. -=Stage 0 * Click any valid object on the ground (e.g. sword, flower.) Valid objects will change colour when you hover the mouse over them. -=Stage 1 * Click and drag the key in the girls left hand to the keyhole in the stone cistern, located at the bottom of the screen. * Click and drag the gemstone on the girls necklace to the hole in the stone cistern. * Click and drag the mirror found in the top-right corner of the screen to reveal a set of symbols. * Click and drag the symbols on the stone cistern so they are in the same positions as shown behind the mirror. You can swap the position of two symbols by dragging one over the other. -=Stage 2 * Click the sixth card from the left. * Click the second card from the right. -=Stage 3 * Click the left desk drawer to open it. * Click the toy and add it to your inventory. * Click the costume and add it to your inventory (used in a later level.) * Click the three buttons on the girls shirt to remove it. * Click the belt buckle twice to remove the girls skirt. * Grab the toy from your inventory and move it over the girls genitals, then left-click. * Move the toy over her right breast and left-click. -=Stage 4 * Drag the costume from Stage 3 to the girls chest and left-click to undress her. * Left-click the letter “L” on the girls chest and add it to your inventory. * Left-click the letter “Y” on the girls right leg (bottom-right corner of the screen.) * Read the numbers on the girls left arm, taking note of the dot in the middle * Use the numbers from the girls arm with the combination lock on the right-hand side of the screen. Left-click each number in order, pressing the small dot in the centre of the lock where indicated in the sequence. If you make a mistake, press any combination of seven numbers to reset the puzzle. * One at a time, drag the letters “L” and “Y” from your inventory to spell the word “PLAY” (the letters “P” and “A” have already been filled in for you.) -=Stage 5 * Add the coin found on the stack of books to your inventory (used in a later level.) * Grab the toy sticking out of the bag on the floor, and add it to your inventory. * A teacher walks on- and off-screen on the left-hand side, wait for him to walk off-screen. * Grab the note held by the man on the right-hand side of the screen, and hand it to the girl. * Grab the toy from your inventory and left-click on the girl. * Between the stacks of books on the desk is a small remote control, click the dial on the remote control 4 times. You may need to wait briefly between each click. -=Stage 6 * In the top-left corner of the screen, pick up three tubes of paint and two paintbrushes; one long, narrow paintbrush (located in the middle of three brushes) and one short, broad paintbrush to the right of the other brushes. * One by one, drag the three tubes of paint to the girls back and left-click. * Drag the long, narrow paintbrush from your inventory to the girls back, click three times. * In the top-left corner of the screen is a paint palette, and in the bottom-right corner of that palette some paint is obscuring a number. Drag the short, broad paintbrush onto the palette and hold down the left-mouse button while moving the mouse over the paint to reveal the number. * On the ground beneath the girl is a remote control with five buttons. From left to right these buttons represent the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Press the buttons in the order shown on the paint palette. If you make a mistake, simply press all five buttons in any order to reset the puzzle. -=Stage 7 * Grab the scissors located in the girls stockings, and click the girls underwear. * The girls left and right legs have markings on them, count the number of lines on each leg, keeping a separate count for left and right. * There are two remote controls in the girls stockings; the button on the left control needs to be pressed as many times as the number of lines on the left leg, while the button on the right control needs to be pressed as many times as the number of lines on the right leg. * In the top-right corner is a sign, left-click and drag the sign down to reveal a coin slot and 4 buttons. * Grab the coin you obtained on stage 5 from your inventory and click the coin slot. * Use the arrow buttons to first move the tongue over the girls left breast, then her left thigh. -=Stage 8 * On the table at the bottom of the screen, pick up a hand symbol and add it to your inventory. * To the right of the couch pick up a grabber, and add it to your inventory. * In the bottom-left corner of the screen, click the large arrow; the small arrow will return you to the previous level. * Drag the grabber from your inventory to the window and left-click. * On the bed next to a purse there is a picture, left-click it. * Drag the hand symbol from your inventory over the girls left leg, and left-click. -=Stage 9 * Below the clock is a sticker, add it to your inventory. * Below the girl on a table is a pair of scissors and a candle, grab the scissors and move them over her stomach, left-click. * Grab the candle and move it over her left leg, left-click. * There is a small badge on the girls hat, grab it and move it over the lock on the door, left-click. -=Stage 10 * At the top of the screen is a fire alarm, left-click it to reveal a pill, add the pill to your inventory. * In the top-right corner of the screen is a torn poster with a symbol on it, grab it and move it over the girls chest, left-click. * Grab the handcuffs off the girls belt and left-click on her right wrist. * Grab the keys off the girls belt and left-click the padlocks next to her head. * Grab the pill from your inventory and move it over the girls mouth, left-click. -=Stage 11 * To the right of the girls right leg is a tongue symbol, add it to your inventory. * To the left of the girls left leg is a bell clapper, grab it and move it over the bell, left-click. * The man on the left is holding a remote control, left-click the blue button on the remote control. * Grab the tongue symbol from your inventory, move it over the man on the right and left-click. * Using the tongue symbol again, move it over the man on the left and left-click. -=Stage 12 * On the beach are an octopus, bottle of milk, a drinking straw, and a sea shell. * Grab the drinking straw and add it to your inventory. * Left-click the girls swimsuit top to remove her clothes. * Grab the sea shell and move it over the girls lower half, left-click. * Grab the octopus and move it over the girls breasts, left-click. * Grab the drinking straw from your inventory, left-click the glass the girl is holding. * Put the drinking straw back in your inventory. * Grab the bottle of milk from your inventory, left-click the glass the girl is holding. * An empty bottle will be added to your inventory (used in a later level.) * Grab the straw from your inventory and left-click the glass the girl is holding. -=Stage 13 * Grab the sticker you obtained in stage 9 and move it over the tattoo on the girls stomach, left-click. * In the bottom-left corner of the screen is a tail, left-click it. * Click the signpost on the bottom-left side of the screen. * There is a small vial on a necklace around the girls neck, grab it and left-click # the mans torso. -=Stage 14 * On the right-hand side of the screen is a symbol (beneath the boat), add it to your inventory (used in a later level.) * In the bucket on the bottom-left of the screen, grab a TV antenna and drag it over to the dome on top of the television, left-click. * The red bucket in the bottom-left corner of the screen has a clock on it, with one hand pointing between 12 oclock and 1 oclock, and one hand pointing between 2 oclock and 3 oclock. * The television has two dials, each with a small dot on the dial. You can rotate the dials by left-clicking and holding down the mouse button, then moving the mouse left or right. To solve this puzzle you will need to move the dials so they match the time on a clock; the dot is where the “hand” is pointing on the “clock”. * Start by moving the top dial so the dot sits between 12 oclock and 1 oclock, and then the bottom dial so the dot sits between 2 oclock and 3 oclock. * By grabbing the top part of the antennas (hold down the left mouse button), you can rotate them by moving the mouse. You need to rotate the antenna until they match the picture on the bucket. If done correctly, a picture will appear on the television screen. * Observe the poster in the back, as well as the can of fish on the left-side of the screen. * An apple equals 7. * A fish equals 2. * A grape equals an apple (7) plus 5, therefore a grape equals 12. * An apple (7) equals a banana plus 1, therefore a banana equals 6. * With those values established, we can now solve the remaining problems on the sign. * An apple (7) plus a grape (12) plus a banana (6) equals 25. * A banana (6) multiplied by an apple (7) equals 42. * A fish (2) plus a banana (6) multiplied by an apple (7) equals 44; this is because we have to multiply before we add. * An apple (7) plus a grape (12) minus ? equals a banana (6), therefore ? equals 13. * This next part works mostly the same as the dial puzzle above, but with some important changes. The dials on the television are numbered 0 through 9; unlike before where you needed to point to a position on a clock, you now need to point to the correct number on the dial. You will need to change the top and bottom dial four times, with each change the dots need to point to the numbers indicated on the poster (the solutions to the math problems); the top dial represents the first number, and the bottom dial the second number. So for example, 25 means the top dial points at 2, and the bottom dial points at 5. Each time you correctly move the dials, the image on the television screen will change to show you were successful. -=Stage 15 * In the mans pocket is a dollar bill, grab it and move it over the door on the right-hand side, left-click. * The wallet on the couch holds four more bills; one by one, drag them over the girl. The first three bills can be placed over any part of her torso, the fourth bill must go over the girls leg. -=Stage 16 * Left-click each part of the girls clothing to remove it, there are six pieces in total. * By left-clicking the background and moving the mouse, you can rotate the background. * Collect a candle, a toy (hidden in the bottom drawer below the candle), a whip, and a ball gag (hidden behind a painting). * Right of the candle are four symbols on the wall, they correspond to a puzzle in the top-left corner of the screen. * Drag the candle from the inventory over to the girls hips, left-click. * Drag the toy from the inventory over to the girls breasts, left-click. * Drag the whip from the inventory over to the girls hips, left-click. * Drag the ball gag over to the girls face, left-click. * Rearrange the tiles in the puzzle located in the top-left corner so they match the symbols on the wall. You can change their position by first left-clicking a symbol, then left-clicking the symbol you want to exchange it with. -=Stage 17 * From the table, collect a taser (bottom-left), a blue toy (bottom-right), and a whip (bottom-right.) * From the hand of a man on the far right, collect a pink toy. * Collect three triangles, one found on the window on the left-hand side of the screen, one found on the head of the first of the three men (right-hand side of the screen), and the third on the chest of the last man (right-hand side of the screen.) * Drag the symbol you collected in stage 14 to the girls legs, left-click. * Click the heart-shaped stickers on the girls breasts to remove them. * Drag the taser from your inventory to the electrical outlet in the top-left corner of the screen, left-click. * One by one, drag each of the three triangles from your inventory to the triangles below the electrical outlet, left-click. * Grab the taser from the electrical outlet and move it over the girls torso, left-click. * Grab the blue toy from your inventory and move it over the girls lower half, left-click. * Grab the whip from your inventory and move it over the girls breasts, left-click. * Grab the pink toy from your inventory and move it over the small brown circle in the table, beneath the girl, left-click. * At the bottom of the screen left-click the second-last button, the last button, the first button, and finally the second button. -=Stage 18 * In the bottom-left corner of the screen, grab the beetle and the metal hand, add them to your inventory. * In the top-right corner of the screen, grab the stockings and add them to your inventory. * Grab the empty bottle from stage 12 and drag it to the water at the top of the screen, left-click. Drag the filled bottle over to the girl and left-click. * Repeat three times. * Drag the beetle from your inventory to the girls left breast, left-click. * Drag the beetle to the girls right breast, left-click. * Drag the metal hand from your inventory to the girls lower half, left-click. * Drag the metal hand to the girls chest and left-click (you may need to place the fingers closer to her neck.) * Drag the stockings from your inventory to the girls stomach, left-click. -=Section 19 * Below the paintings are a hand symbol and a tongue symbol, add them to your inventory. * Grab the painting on the right-hand side (hold down the left mouse button) and move it over the painting on the left-hand side, release the left mouse button. * Grab the key from the painting, move it over the door, left-click. * At the bottom of the screen you will see a fingers symbol, add it to your inventory. * In the top-right corner of the screen is a magnifying glass, add it to your inventory. * Left-click the girls clothes to remove them. * To the left of the girls breasts is a picture, left-click it. * Drag the hands symbol from your inventory over the girls left breast, left-click. * Drag the hand symbol over the girls right breast, left-click. Drag the hand symbol over the girls stomach, left-click. Drag the hand symbol over the girls right leg, left-click. * Drag the tongue symbol from your inventory over the girls lower half, left-click. * Drag the fingers symbol from your inventory over the girls lower half, left-click. * Drag the magnifying glass from your inventory over the girls lower half, left-click. * Left-click the animated picture in the bottom-left corner of the screen (hold down the mouse button) and move the mouse to rotate it. -=Section 20 * In the very bottom-left corner of the screen, grab a toy and add it to your inventory. * On the ground in the bottom-centre of the screen, add a rope and collar to your inventory. * On top of the luggage in the centre of the screen, add a plug to your inventory. * On the left side of the bed, add a rope to your inventory (will combine with the collar.) * In the window sill on the right-hand side, grab the bone (will combined with the rope.) * On the left side of the screen, grab the handle attached to the rope and pull down (hold down the mouse button.) * Grab the magnifying glass from the floor and move it over the dog on the bed, left-click. * Click the girls bra to remove it. * Drag the collar and rope from your inventory to the girls neck and left-click. * Drag the bone and rope from your inventory to the girls face and left-click. * Drag the plug from your inventory to the girls back and left-click. * Drag the toy from your inventory to the girls back and left-click. * Left-click the girls face. * As far as I know, there is no end credits or such; the game simply ends here. |
View: 1581 times |
Updated: 2019.10.22 |
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