Name of the file: Satisfactory Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Useful Tips and Tricks: ----------------------- Written by Verios44 Here you can find some useful general tips for beginners and expierenced players. * Take your time. Do not rush progress. Learn how the different production processes work. Late game production can be quite complex. * Build up! Take advantage that you can build vertically. * From sea level, you can build appx 800m up before hitting the death ceiling. You can also build appx 200m down into the void. * The void is the common name for the endless pit you see on the edges of the map, and a few areas in the middle. * Your bottlenecks in the game are belts and pipes. * Belts are rated by items moved per minute, the tiers are 60 / 120 / 270 / 480 / 780 items per minute. * Pipes have a maximum flow rate of 300m3 a minute. There are no higher tiers at this time. * Pipes are effected by gravity. A machine such as a water extractor has a 10m headlift. * Headlift is how much a machine can push liquids vertically. * Pumps can be used to help with headlift. A single pump can add 20m headlift. * Pumps also act as one-way valves. * If you route your pipes downhill, you can get around headlift altogether up to where the pipe begins to go downhill. * The simplest way to construct chains of machines is by use of the manifold system. * A manifold is a set of machines in a single, straight line. With the use of splitters, mergers, or pipe junctions, simply take one belt or pipe and branch it off in series. The only downside is that it can take a while for the system to become 100% efficient. This is because each machine in the line needs to fill its internal storage. This system is also commonly known as overflow. This allows easy expansion. * Overflow splitter mode, found in smart and programmable splitters can be used to siphon off excess resources to another production chain, or an AWESOME Sink. * You can also balance your factories using a more traditional balancer, the only downside is that you have to figure out the balance ratio and it can use more room. Its also hard to expand. * Exploration is quite important. You will want to find crash sites and power slugs. * Crash sites give you a hard drive. In your M.A.M, you can research that hard drive an discover an alternate recipe. You get 3 random choices per hard drove and you may select one at once. There are currently more hard drives on the map than alternate recipes. * Power slugs can be processed into power shards, which allow you to overclock your buildings. * Do not be afraid to dismantle and try again! Console Commands: ----------------- To enable the console use, you will need to press CTRL+SHIFT+L keys simultaneously in-game. The game will not indicate any changes once youve done that. Afterwards, you can use the “~” (Tilde) key to open the console command line. Pressing it twice will result in the window becoming larger, which is required for some commands. Here is a list of commands youre likely to find useful: Gamma [number] - Changes gamma (brightness) level. materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString] - Finds the items required per second for all craftable items. Requires large console command line window. Pause - Pauses the game. r.Atmosphere [either 0 or 1] - Activates or deactivates the atmosphere. r.Fog [either 0 or 1] - Activates or deactivates the fog. r.ViewDistanceScale - Sets the render distance of things like foliage, rocks and trees. r.ScreenPercentage [percent] - Sets internal resolution scale. r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number between 0-1] - Sets the impact of the current internal frame to the final image. r.TemporalAAFilterSize - Sets the spread of the TAA samples. Values below 1 sharpen the image. Only shows results when r.TemporalAASamples has a value greater than 6. r.TemporalAASamples [number] - Sets the number of samples to use for TAA. (Def 8) r.Tonemapper.Sharpen [number] - Sets the amount of a simple sharpen filter. (Def 0) Stat Unit — Shows information about various graphic statistics Suicide — Kills the player Stat FPS — Shows a FPS counter Stat Levels — Displays level streaming info t.MaxFPS [value] — Sets maximum framerate (Set the value to 0 for unlimited) (Default is 0) FOV [value] — Sets Field of View. (Values higher than 150 are not recommended) ShowDebug [DebugType] — Using this command with any DebugType will display players name, coordinates in the world, owner, base eye height, rotation and instigator, as well as bonus information, depending on what DebugType you have used. [DebugType] AI - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding enemies and/or automated vehicles near the player. AKAUDIOSOURCES - Shows number of active audio sources + other information. Execute again to show default information. ANIMATION - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding what frame of an animation is being played, the name of the animation, etc. BONES - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding bone connections and their orientation in non-static models. CAMERA - Shows extra information about the camera position underneath default information. CIRCUITS - Shows information regarding any power networks (circuits) in the world including; number of circuits, ID(s) and information about the circuits including; components, power produced, power consumed and fuse status. Execute again to show default information. COLLISION - Unknown. Presumably shows collision information. FACTORY - Shows number of player built structures (not including vehicles) in order from most to least. FACTORYCONNNECTIONS - Use Unknown. Notes: Causes extreme lag, use at own risk. Execute again to show default information. FORCEFEEDBACK - Shows information about current force feedback values and what is contributing to that calculation underneath default information. INPUT - Shows information about which input method is currently being used (keyboard/mouse) which key is being used, the input value of the input and the time the input has been executed. Also shows information pertaining to input stack. All of this information is shown underneath the default information. NET - Use unknown. Presumably used to show multiplayer connection info. NONE - Shows only default information, hiding the rest. PHYSICS - Shows information about; Current player velocity components, total player speed, total player speed (2D), acceleration experienced by the player and other physics related information. This is all shown underneath default information. POWER - Use unknown. Note: Causes Lag, use at your own risk. RADIATION - Shows information related to the radioactivity subsystem including; Number of radiation sources, emitters and levels of radiation emitted and player exposure level. Execute again to show default information. RADIATIONSPHERES - Presumably shows spheres where radiation would begin to affect the player. Execute again to show default information. Reset - Hides all debug information, including default information. SIGNIFICANCEMANAGER - Shows information on the significance of sounds currently being played and their volume relative to each other. TRACKS - Shows information on the railroad subsystem pertaining to tracks. Execute again to show default information. TRAINCOUPLERS - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding connections between train cars. TRAINS - Shows information on the railroad subsystem pertaining to trains. Execute again to show default information. VEHICLE - Shows information on the vehicle the player is currently in including: Speed, Steering angle, throttle information, whether or not the brake is on, current gear, engine RPM, drag force being experienced and physics information about each wheel on the vehicle. WEAPON - Use unknown. Presumably shows information regarding held weapons/tools. |
View: 2153 times |
Updated: 2020.12.14 |
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