Lonely Mountains: Downhill Cheat Codes

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Lonely Mountains: Downhill Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Lonely Mountains: Downhill Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips and Tricks:
Written by Kirusa

Lonely Mountains: Downhill is a game of diligence to the core. Despite how
much of a favorite it's become of mine, there were barriers I couldn't break
through that had me thinking it would be better to just up and quit. Pushing
through those barriers though is what's made for such a rewarding title to me.
So, here's some personal tips for newcomers or anyone coming off a bumpy ride.

-=Baby steps
It probably goes without saying, but getting acclimated to your bike is what
comes first. Don't worry about setting times or anything, just make it across
those finish lines. Figuring out what your bike can handle is an important
part of that too, such as how hard, fast, and steep it can land.

-=Remember what you're biking for!
Say the challenge you're working on is to finish under however many crashes.
There's no need to exert yourself and see how fast you can finish those. If
you're going for one to beat a certain time, I'd suggest finishing how you
normally would at first, then seeing where you can shave off time if you do
have to try again.

-=Don't forget to push the boundaries
This might sound contrary to my previous point, but it doesn't hurt to
experiment with your playstyle. What if I kept going past those trees? What
if I used this bike instead, would it help me beat that challenge? Finding
a shortcut this way is oh-so sweet and can be the key if you've hit a roadblock.

Not sure what bikes you should unlock first? Here's a reasonable order to
do so in my opinion, based on the game's progression and challenges.

The Trailblazer is probably most everyone's first purchase anyway, but in
my eyes, makes for an almost direct upgrade over the Grasshopper. This is
where you get that first taste of going off the beaten path.
Truly ruling the road is where the Boar comes into play though. Taking
rough terrain at speed is what it does best, although it does drain stamina
rather quickly. A lot of paths still open up when picking this for your ride.
I won't throw you off the deep end yet, but the Pacebreaker can be the
start to some solid times. It's a real on-off switch, constantly braking
and sprinting in tandem. It has the force to push you through offroad
segments, although landing will be tougher than what you remember with the
Now that you've acquired the sense of speed, it's time to slow things down
with the Geronimo. I have dubbed this my Free Ride machine. It's the cushiest
bike available and will let you take huge drops with ease. Want to make a
massive cut by riding off that cliff? Go ahead! It is the slowest out of all
the bikes and surprisingly twitchy though, so there are situations that
require some care.
Here is where everything you've learned while playing gets put to the test.
The Javelin is the fastest bike in the game, period, but also the weakest
in terms of durability. Simple drop-offs can be a challenge now unless you
tackle them the way the bike wants. Its handling is very loose compared to
the other bikes as well, requiring a sense of planning into entering and
exiting each turn. A true glass cannon.

Simply having patience is the most important thing of all. No matter what
trail you're on or what bike you're using, building on what you know is
the only thing you can do. Forcing the issue and expecting the game to
work for you will rarely turn out in your favor. And if you catch a snag
or are feeling a little tilted, you can always come back when you're ready.
I know I sure did!

View: 6566 times
Updated: 2021.02.20

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