Generation Zero Cheat Codes

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Generation Zero Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Generation Zero Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Guide to Killing AI:
Written by Furycoat

A guide to killing the various robots in the game that i could find. Also misc
information layered throughout. Be warned this guide itself is probably a spoiler.

As you walking away from the shore, you come across a house. You loot it, find
some stuff, and as your about to move on, you probably find a couple of robotic
looking dogs hoarding a police car. Fortunately, Robotic dogs have a big old
fuel tank on their backs that can be shot. This applies for all of them, though
the military versions have a plate infront of it, though it can be shot off.
If you find yourself fighting them, get distance and cover. They can pounce you,
which stuns you and deals a pretty solid amount of damage. Some of them have
grenade launchers, so be strict about what cover you choose, as a tree may not
be sufficient. You'll know they have ither a kind of slow firing rifle or a
grenade launcher if they have a laser.

By now you've likely come across a town, seemingly abandoned at first, though
you see a light out of the corner of your eye, so you duck. Coming out from
behind a building, you see a small flying robot, pausing, then proceeding to
fly in a line, like it's looking for something. Well that something is you.
These robots have four megaphones on their top which allows them to alert what
is essentially The entire area to you. Fortunately, these megaphones can be
shot, and are quite weak. Aslong as you shoot that first, they become worthless,
and disposable with a few shots to the disc-shaped body. (Ill add a screenshot
of one some day.)

You've cleared that city, and are now heading off to a nearby farmstead you
heard of. You hear some mechanical whirring an footsteps, so you figure its
another robotic dog and duck behind some logs. Instead, towering over you from
across the pathway is a bipedal robot, with a box looking torso, staring
directly at you. You can hear some more whirring to ither side of you...
I honestly havent found a good weak point on the hunters. I have found a fuel
tank on their backs, but its not on the military version, and it doesnt take
any damage. I've pumped entire assault rifle magazines into the thing with no
effect, so its honestly better to me to just blast as many rounds as you can
into them. And trust me, they'll tank alot more than its worth, so if you can,
the best tactic here is just to avoid them.

You've found an old, abandoned looking military bunker and start wandering on
through it's corridors after finding a way to be let in. You kept hearing a
soft chittering sound each time you started walking, keeping you on edge every
step of the way. You turn a corner, and find four little red dots, staring you
down from the other end. A few seconds later they begin in a dead sprint after

Birdshot. Birdshot obliterates these things. There's a tiny fuel tank on their
backs, but i havent ever bothered shooting at it. Their too tiny and weak. An
smg is also a pretty good alternative to buckshot. Or if your up for the bit
of a challenge, you can try sniping at them from a distance with a hunting
rifle or other sniper rifle. Puts em down in one shot.

You've managed to cross a bridge with a mean looking green hunter on it, and
ran to a church. After sneaking passed, then proceeding to remove most of it's
robotic inhabitents, you see a metal glint in the distance through a window.
You take out your binoculars and stare at it. A bohemoth of a machine, a quarter
the size of a barn, is slowly making its way twords you, escorted by its high-
quality guard-dog robots. The prototype ones seem to have fuel tanks attatched
to their knees. Shooting at the only one i've managed to drop, aiming their
caused a massive explosion after a few hunting rifle shots.
Only took a few more shots to drop em passed that.

You've cleared your first area entirely, leaving the once orangeish border
around the area you were once in behind. You manage to come across a small
bunker, completely unoccupied with a plane in it, right on the side of the
road. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have any jet fuel. Even then you'd
probably get shot out of the sky like your boat got shot out of the sea. You
stop for a moment as the ground shakes. You'd originally guess it's a small
earthquake but your proved wrong as you hear a loud thump outside, shaking
the entire bunker yet again. You gather your courage and look outside, hoping
to find just another scavenger. Nope. Its a gigantic robot, but this one is
bipedal, and has a massive gun, and what looks like a device with a bunch of
holes in a pod between it's legs. You immediately duck back into your bunker,

The best tactic i've developed for these things is to dodge and weave around
a nearby building, blasting it in the fuel tank on it's back until it
eventually explodes. Buckshot did me best here but i dont think it's gonna
matter much in the long run, seeing as to how much lead these things take to
anything. They dont drop much ither, usually just some "High Explosive Dual
Purpose.". Like hunters, its best just to leave these ones alone.

-=Some Misc Tips to Help You Through Your Journey=-
* Here's just some advice i can gather up in my all of 3 days of experience
in hiding like a terrified cat from a drone.
* Everything with an interior potentially has something in it. Everything.
* Flares work well, giving the robots something else to shoot at. Note at
the moment fireworks seem to make the robots More accurate. At-least for me.
* Robots hate buildings. They also hate human-sized doors. Can't really blame
em ither. They don't have thumbs.
* Silencers don't work if you don't kill the robot fast enough, or aren't far
away enough. They do however seem to work if you miss.
* Clothes affect your stats. It may not seem like it but the very light blue
jacket you've aquired may actually make you a bit stealthier. At-least to a
* Ammo isn't automatically sorted, so leave an inventory space open for any
new lead you pick up.
* You can preform a magic trick by interacting with broken gates on the ground.
Same thing with doors. At-least until the devs fix that.
* Always carry multiple adrenaline shots. Always.
* Most robots are faster than you, but cant climb. Jump over stuff and weave
around trees and other objects if you want to run off.

How to Disable Anti-Aliasing:
If you really want to turn AA off you can edit;

Documents/Avalanche Studios/GenerationZero/
with any text editor.
Look for “GraphicsAA”: and change the number after it to a 0.

-=In-Game Values=-
FXAA = “GraphicsAA”: 1,
FXAA + TAA = “GraphicsAA”: 3,
To disable AA change to “GraphicsAA”: 0,

Note, if you set it to 0 and afterwards when you go in game and check in the
graphics options it will still say FXAA or FXAA + TAA because there in game
text relating to the setting of “0”.

Also, when you go into the graphics options in-game and exit again there is a chance
it will set it back to FXAA or FXAA + TAA because it saves the file when you exit
out of the graphics settings, therefore, after editing do NOT go into the graphics
settings or you will have to re-edit the file, it’s easy enough though.

Bunker Locations:
If a command bunker doesn’t have a safe house then it doesn’t have a warboard.

Sorken Command Bunker: -444, -1385;

Marden Command Bunker: 2037, -1230;

Vesslan command Bunker: 1572, 3848 (There is a mission to get to this location);

Uttern Command Bunker: -2865, 463;

Hermelinen Command Bunker: 94, -3470;

“Real” Skvaden Command Bunker: -1520, -3302;

Muskudden Port Complex: -4575, -15;

Airbase bunker is at the West end (mission Flying Blind to restore power, tip do not
open the weapon storage safe in the Förråd before getting all the notes inside the Förrad)

Bredskapförräd 115: -125, -563;

Bredskapförräd 119: 1400, -600;

Bergrum “Björnen”: 2017, -1754;

Bergrum “Myskoxen”: -1490, -3775;

Fort Torsberga: around -4700, 4400 (mission Spiking The Guns).

-=Extra Inventory Space=-
* Making a new character:
* Get to the game’s main menu.
* Choose “Select Character”, the second option from the top.
* Choose “Create New”.
* Go through the character creation process like you did the first time.
* Now you have a new character.
* Congratulations.
* Repeat as needed.

-=Transferring items=-
* Start with the character that has the item you want to store.
* Go to a quiet safehouse.
* Drop the item you want to store.
* Exit to main menu.
* Select the character you want to use for storage.
* Fast travel to the safehouse where you dropped the item.
* Pick it up.
* That’s it.

View: 4606 times
Updated: 2021.03.20

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