Troubleshooter Cheat Codes

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Troubleshooter Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Troubleshooter Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Step by Step Instrucitons:
Written by Botzu

First thing you want to do when you enter the map is take out the unit on
the elevated position infront of you on your right. He is obscurred initially
but feel free to walk into his line of sight as he wont alert others as long
as you kill him before he gets a turn.

Next, move forward with your units and immediately kill off the next elevated
unit on your right. This unit will call for help if ever given the chance so
he is top priority. The enemies in the path to the right will also split up
and attack you and GRP 3 so this part unfortunately requires some luck as a
member of GRP 3 can easily be killed due to RNG or if you fail to kill the
unit on the elevated position before he calls for help. Remember to trigger
GRP1 the first chance you get and move the the 2 gunners south before the
patrolling units reach them. If you are having trouble with this part make
sure to remember that shield VHPD have the skill iron wall, and standing
behind them or on their sides gives concealment as well as cover. This +50
block form concealment gives pretty good protection from unlucky crits. You
will also need to kill a second unit on the right corner just infront of GRP3,
he hangs out halfway up the staircase going up to the elevated area in the
middle and can also alert the enemies infront of GRP2 if you are unlucky.

Aleternative! If you are having trouble killing all the enemies before they
pull aggro or you want to kill Kevin, you can also survive this section by
turtling in the left area hiding all of your units in the corner where GRP1
was. If you set Irene up as a tank with iron wall you can effectively block
off the pathway with albus, irene and shield VHPD forming a wall to guard
Sion and Anne. Once you kill off all the melee units inch your way north
keeping everyone behnd the iron wall and eventually you can get to Kevin who
is hiding in the top left corner. Smoke Grenades are a good choice for this
route as there is a lot of ranged attackers. Be warned that Stragglers can
sometimes go for GRP2 while this is happening but they usuauly can beat 1
or 2 enemies.

Congratulations, you are past the most difficult part. Now, you will want
to move group 1 south and start clearing out the side rooms. These rooms
are located on your left and in the bottom right corner. They will activate
anyway when you get all 3 groups but killing them now means its much easier
to navigate everyone to safety later without much trouble. Feel free to
have the shield VHPD lead the group, just have him use iron wall every turn
and he can tank really well.

Once this is done you will want to clear out the group of spoonisms. There
is a path just to the right of GRP 3 that you can move into, just make sure
not to activate group 3. The group is quite big but the units arent that
strong. Be careful not to let them go too far north or they will alert a
group of white tiger butchers and hoodlums. Once they are killed you are
safe to activate GRP 2.

At this point move all of the VHPD units from GRP 1 and 2 to the starter
area and ontop the evacuation panels.

Activate GRP 3 and move them to evacuation panels. They will need protection
if you didn't kill kevin so feel free to fodder some of your party so long
as one of them lives and all the VHPD escape you are good to go.

View: 1623 times
Updated: 2021.03.22

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