Dungeon Defenders: Awakened Cheat Codes

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Dungeon Defenders: Awakened Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Dungeon Defenders: Awakened Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Starting Guide:
Written by RQA The Vastayan

This guide should cover most of the common questions relating to Dungeon
Defenders: Awakened.

Yes DDA has autoloot. The first thing you should do when getting into the

game is set up your autoloot preferences.

The option can be accessed by pressing ESC, click options and its under the
gameplay tab.

-=Heroes and Hero Swapping=-
All four heroes in your deck will recieve xp at the same rate, having less
wont funnel that into a specific hero. This means that you should always
run with 4 heroes!

You can have 4 heroes in your deck at any given time. Something you may not
know is that you can right click and click swap on any of them, this allows
for more than the 4 slots in your deck and can be quite useful if you plan
to try different builds with different selections of heroes.

You can swap out a builder with another hero and your defenses will remain.
One thing to note about this is that as with not having your builder as your
active hero, you will lose the 33% damage bonus from those defenses.

TL:DR Right click to swap heroes from the H menu.

-=Set Bonus=-
As you might have noticed there are different kinds of armour in dungeon
defenders awakened!

Ancient - Always roles with Skill.
Guard - Always roles with Vitality.
Militia - Always roles with Attack, Focuses Hero stats.
Miner - Always roles with Power, Focuses Defense stats.
Primitive - Always roles with Movement.
Arcanist - Not in the game just yet!

Equipping 4 from the same set provides you with a set bonus. This bonus is
a flat 40% of the stats granted from your Helmet, Chest, Gloves, and boots.

For instance if you're getting 100 power from all 4 pieces you will instead
get 140 power by having all pieces from the same group, EG Miner.

-=Extra Stuff=-
Inventory size: 525 items, 15 pages.

Builder bonus: If you stay on the hero that built the defence during the wave
you will see a 33% increase in the damage those defenses deal.

Early XP Gain Tips:
Written by MrVastayan.

Medium: Complete the campaign and move on to hard; after beating the campaign
you should be able to easily beat Hard.

Hard: Beat the campaign and if you are not able to do the Insane campaign keep
beating the map 'summit' until you are high enough to beat insane

Insane: Beat the campaign and if you are not able to do the Nightmare campaign
keep beating the map 'summit' until you are high enough to beat Nightmare, you
can also start doing survival for better drops and xp. (see below)

Nightmare: Go as far as you can in the campaign and start survival. (see below)

Insane: If you are struggling with nightmare (not able to complete any maps)
then a good way to start getting some xp is starting insane survival, some of
the best maps to do will be promenade and summit. These maps will grant the
highest xp/h and some of the best loot drops for your area. Once you have the
ability to do nightmare move onto to that.

Nightmare: There are 3 main survival maps that you should farm. Firstly Ancient
Mines, this will be your starting grind point, this will start to give you
nightmare tier gear and will help you advance to later survivals. Once you can
easily clear wave 25 ancient mines move onto promenade and summit; promenade will
be easier but provide slightly less quality gear. Once you can easily clear 4 man
summit congrats! You have gotten to the current endgame of Early Access

View: 4983 times
Updated: 2021.05.03

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