Name of the file: Left 4 Dead 2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Getting a melee weapon with cheats: ----------------------------------- Submitted by: Alexander Cia When you have allow developer consle is enabled activate de console to get a weapon you want. but sometimes in some chapter there not all weapons have in console. But this is the solutions: type sv_cheats 1 and type: Code Effect ------------------------------------------- -give katana - Gives you katana. -give machete - Gives you Machete. -give chainsaw - Gives you chainsaw. -give cricket_bat - Gives you crickey_bat. -give frying_pan - Give you frying pan. -give fireaxe - Give you axe. -give tonfa - Gives you tonfa. the solutions is when in CHapter Dead Center you cannot find give machete, bind the key like this "bind m "give machete" and press m and you got a machete: Cheats: ------- Submitted by: RM Demo version: Cheat mode: ------------------------- Enter the Steam control panel then select the "My games" tab. Right Click the "Left 4 Dead 2 Demo" option then select "Properties". Select "Set Launch options" then enter -console and accept it. Start the game, and the console window should now appear. Enter bind p toggleconsole as a console command. Click and close the console window and start a single player game. Press "P" during game play to display the console window, then enter sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. If the message "Can't use cheats now; please exit to main menu and start your own listen server with "map mapname" so that you could enable cheats." appears, enable the map c5m1_waterfront or map c5m2_park code. You will return to the main menu. Enable either map code again, then enable the sv_cheats 1 code again. You can now enter one of the following codes. Effect Code --------------------------------------------------------------- Toggle God mode for entire team - god [0 or 1] Gain health - give health Defibrillator - give defibrilator Adrenaline - give adrenaline First aid kit - give first_aid_kit Pain Pills - give pain_pills Commit suicide - kill Quit game - quit Toggle no clipping mode - noclip Toggle Incendiary Ammo upgrade - upgrade_add incendiary_ammo Toggle Explosive Ammo upgrade - upgrade_add explosive_ammo Toggle Laser Sight upgrade - upgrade_add laser_sight Grenade launcher - give weapon_grenade_launcher Hunter claws - give melee Combat rifle - give rifle_desert AK-47 - give rifle_ak47 Sniper rifle - give sniper_military Magnum - give pistol_magnum Silenced SMG - give smg_silenced Chrome shotgun - give shotgun_chrome SPAS shotgun - give shotgun_spas Nightstick - give tonfa Boomer Bile - give vomitjar Guitar - give electric_guitar Frying pan - give frying_pan Machete - give machete Double pistol - give pistol Pump shotgun - give pumpshotgun Auto shotgun - give autoshotgun SMG - give smg M16 - give rifle Sniper rifle - give hunting_rifle Molotov cocktail - give molotov Pipe bomb - give pipe_bomb Propane tank - give propanetank Gas can - give gascan Oxygen tank - give oxygentank Refill ammunition - give ammo Spawn katana - give katana Chainsaw - give chainsaw Toggle unlimited ammunition - sv_infinite_ammo [0 or 1] Spawn Spitter - z_spawn spitter Spawn Jockey - z_spawn jockey Spawn Charger - z_spawn charger Spawn common zombie - z_spawn zombie Spawn zombie mob - z_spawn mob Spawn Boomer - z_spawn boomer Spawn Hunter - z_spawn hunter Spawn Witch - z_spawn witch Spawn Smoker - z_spawn smoker Spawn Tank - z_spawn tank Commit suicide - explode Set No Clipping mode speed - sv_noclipspeed [number] (default is "5") Toggle crosshairs - crosshair [0 or 1] Remove indicated character - kick [name] Developers Console cheat codes: ------------------------------- Select "Options" at the main menu, then "Keyboard/Mouse". Enable the "Allow Developers Console" option. Press ~ during game play to access the console window. Enter one of the following cheats. Effect Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set maximum range of Smoker's tongue attack - tongue_range [number] Set amount of damage done to survivors - z_pounce_damage [number] Set amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire - z_witch_burn_time [number] Change zombie health - z_health [number] Change zombie speed - z_speed [number] Toggle controllable Boss Infected on any map - director_no_human_zombies [0 or 1] Toggle never ending panics - director_panic_forever [0 or 1] Force panic event - director_force_panic Full ammunition - give ammo Spawn pistol - give pistol Get ammo for primary weapon - impulse 101 Spawn automatic shotgun - give autoshotgun Spawn first aid kit - give first_aid_kit Spawn full health - give health Spawn gas can - give gascan Spawn hunting rifle - give hunting_rifle Spawn Molotov cocktail - give molotov Spawn oxygen tank - give oxygentank Spawn pain pills - give_pain_pills Spawn pipe bomb - give pipe_bomb Spawn propane tank - give propanetank Spawn MK 47 machine gun - give rifle Spawn SMG - z_spawn weapon_SMG Invincibility - god Toggle receive damage but cannot die - buddha [0 or 1] Bot teammates shoot nonstop - sb_openfire or open_fire No mob rushes - director_no_mobs [0 or 1] Disable third person view - firstperson Remove all bots - Ent_Remove Set damage for a Witch's attack does - z_witch_damage [number] Third person view - thirdperson Over the shoulder third person view - thirdpersonshoulder Set maximum number of regular zombies - z_common_limit [number] Set maximum health of tank - z_tank_health [number] Toggle if bots can do friendly fire damage - sb_friendlyfire [0 or 1] Disable all wanderers, mobs, specials, and Bosses - director_stop Spawn a zombie - z_spawn zombie Spawn active pipe bomb under you - boom Spawn special Infected - z_spawn [Boss name] Spawn a zombie horde - z_spawn mob Spawn Boomer - z_spawn boomer Spawn Hunter - z_spawn hunter Spawn Smoker - z_spawn smoker Spawn Tank - z_spawn tank Toggle No Clipping mode - noclip Toggle unlimited ammunition - sv_infinite_ammo [0 or 1] Gong Show Achievement: ---------------------- In part 4 of Dark Carnival, look for a strength-testing game in the first area after exiting the safe room. Inject some adrenaline and nail the red button with a melee weapon to get the Gong Show Achievement (be "stronger than Moustachio"). Note: Will summon infected! Stache Whacker Achievement: --------------------------- In part 4 of Dark Carnival, look for well-lit Whac-A-Mole-like arcade game near the start. Activate the button on the front of it and attack the Moustachios that pop up with a melee weapon. At a score of 46, the game will break -- you may need to continue a few times. When it breaks, you'll get the Stache Wacker Achievement (be "faster than Moustachio"). Also, the game will attract zombies. Guardin' Gnome Achievement: --------------------------- In part 2 of Dark Carnival you'll come across a well-lit shooting range with carnival mascot Moustachio emblazoned on it. Also note the yard gnome in the box -- your prize for getting 750 points. Get this high score by activating the game (via the red button) and shooting everyone but the blue peanut (you'll lose points if you hit this target!). Hit the yellow and green Moustachio target for extra points. The gnome (which you may recognize from Half-Life 2 Episode 2) will be released if you get a high score and so will scores of infected, so beware!. Carry the gnome all the way to the end of the scenario (board the chopper) to unlock the Guardin' Gnome Achievement. You can drop Gnome Chompsky and pick it back up. You can also drop it in a safe room and it will be there after the break. Finally, you can use the gnome to repel zombies as you would with a weapon. Weapon Descriptions: -------------------- Check the gunshop in Dead Center (first episode, second map) for an accurate description of every firearm in the game (except the grenade launcher). Portal reference: ----------------- In the second level of "The Parish" chapter, when you get to the bar with the jukebox inside, keep skipping through the songs. It will eventually play the song "I'm Still Alive" from Portal. Jump kills: ----------- You can kill zombies by jumping on them. When on a high ledge (any high point where you can jump over Infected) and there are infected below you, drop down on top of them and they will die. Easy "Crass Menagerie" achievement: ----------------------------------- When in the saferoom, exit it then go back inside and close the door. Remain in front of the door so that CPU players will not open it. Wait there. Soon, uncommon Infected will spawn and come to the door for you to kill. Easy The Quick And The Dead Achievement: ---------------------------------------- Adrenaline shots can be found on any level. Use an adrenaline shot then quickly revive a teammate 10 times for this Achievement. You can do this in certain safehouses in single player. Find a safehouse, like the first one in the Parish at the end of Act 1, and shoot your teammates until they are incapacitated. Use a shot, then quickly revive all three of them. Grab another shot and repeat this process a few times to get the Achievement. Dead Center: Level 2: Weapon descriptions: ------------------------------------------ Enter the gun shop to get a detailed description of all weapons, except for the grenade launcher. Get on top of a sign: --------------------- Once you are off the boat head up the ramp and you'll see a barricade with barbed-wire at the top. Jump up on top of that and you'll see a gib sign right behind you. Face away from the sign looking down at the water, jump forward just a little bit and it will force you to hang from the sign instead of the barricade over top of the water. Someone will help you up and you will be on top of the sign. Defeating Infected: ------------------- Use the following tactics to kill playable and special Infected. -=Playable Infected=- * Charger: Get close to it. This will prevent it from charging and it can only inflict melee damage. This makes it easier for you to kill it with any weapon (melee and guns alike). * Jockey: Get into a huddle with your teammates and wait for the Jockey to present itself. When you see it, all teammates can fire on the Jockey at the same time. Huddling together will prevent it from launching at you. * Smoker: Use similar strategy as the Charger. You must get directly in front of it before disposing it. Smokers use their tongues to grab survivors from far distances but it cannot do that when you are in its face. -=Special Infected=- * Hunter: When it is in its pouncing position, use a shotgun to nudge it away, then shoot it in the face. * Boomer: Aim for the stomach and stay as far back as possible. * Spitter: Aim for the head and be ready to leap out of the way. * Tank: Get to high ground and shoot it out. In co-op mode, use a grenade launcher for a frontal assault while your teammates fire at its back with shotguns. An alternate method is to deal no damage to the Tank, but instead hide somewhere and let the survivor A.I. deal with it. Getting Katana in L4D2: ----------------------- Submitted by: StefanMajonez Open console (you must have sv_cheats set to 1) and type in : give katana Defeating Hunters or Jockeys: ----------------------------- Use the shove move on a Hunter while he is jumping at you to force him to stumble back, therefore preventing him from landing on you. Doing this for the Jockey works as well. However it does not work for a Charger who is running, a Witch, or Tank. Gnome Chomsky: -------------- In the second chapter of the Dark Carnival campaign you will find a shooting range. Play this game until you score 750 points and you will receive Gnome Chomsky. Have one survivor escape the rest of the campaign with him to unlock the Achievement. Going for gold over a Wall: --------------------------- Get 1 guy with a nade launcher to crouch down next to a wall with level ground on the other side, and have another guy jump off something onto the head of the crouched nader. While the jumper is in mid air fire the nade. time it right and the jumper will be sent flying into the air, if controlled correctly the jumper can land just on the other side of a wall and be defibbed. The jumper should then run to the far side of the map, and the rest of the team can start the match. The jumper being so far away from the spawns should receive little attention from hordes. Go for the Gold. Example location: Parish, bridge..... On the Highway facing the Bridge there is a fence. Have 1 guy jump off from the green canopy. Hunter/Jocley/Smoker easy kill: ------------------------------- Submitted by: a Friend of Ours Email: (For Hunters and Jockeys) let them just at you, then the second the land, run up in front of them, and they will simply slaw you so you dont get jockeyed/pounced (Smoker) when you see a smoker, try to get near a corner, and when he is about to snag you, duck behind the corner, count to 3 then run out and shoot him(doesnt always work, but almost ALWAYS works for me) No Mercy: Chapter 1 shortcut: ----------------------------- At the start, jump to the edge directly next to you. Follow it to the corner, press LB, then hold A. You should be still in a crouch. Little by little, walk up off the corner until you fall. Immediately hold Back and you should land on the pipe with no damage. Removing the character you want: -------------------------------- Submitted by: redwolf For removing each character you want,after you turned sv_cheats to (1) in developers console, enter the word "kick" and after that,name of the character.For example for removing "Nick" you should write "kick Nick" and "Nick" will be removed:-) How to get to the saferoom in bus depot survival/campaignl: ----------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Roi_Pogi When your there start ny looking at the pay phone there u will see three little boxes i dont know wut its called you must have a vomit jar unless this trick wont work so all u need to do is throw the vomit jar in front of the cr and when there are zombies there jump onto their heads and jump onto the cr and then jump through the fence and walk to the saferoom and ur done :D XD B-) Spawns a zombie: ---------------- Submitted by: max go to options and click on it well say console click yes now push` and tipe in map_mapname the map well begin now tipe in sv_cheats 1 then to spawn a zombie tipe z_spawn Defeating Hunters or Jockeys: ----------------------------- Use the shove move on a Hunter while he is jumping at you to force him to stumble back, therefore preventing him from landing on you. Doing this for the Jockey works as well. However it does not work for a Charger who is running, a Witch, or Tank. Gun Shop: --------- Submitted by: Alexa In Chapter 1 stage 2. look for the gun shop. in 75% way of stage 2.find a sign in some buildings that write "Whitaker gun shop".find your weapon that you like to take.(Except Upgrade pack, Adrenalin, MP5, AWM, Scout, Melee Weapons). Killing Hunter with easy way: ----------------------------- Submitted by: Alexander Cia Email: When you look a Hunter, just wait until he pounces your AI bot. Shot him with shotgun or sniper. When you use sniper, aim to the head. and you can say "I killed a Hunter!" Melee Cheats(just a bit): ------------------------- Submitted by: Alexander Cia first,open your Left 4 Dead 2 and enabled allow developer console and play a map.once your play the map open the console and these are following the melee cheats: sv_cheats 1 Code Effect ----------------------------- -melee_range # sets melee range -melee_force_scalar # sets melee force scalar -melee_show_swing 1 shows where you attack with melee weapons Note:# symbol means your number whatever you want. Don't tease them: ----------------- A lot of people are under the impression that it's fun to stay in the safe-rooms for a long time, but aside from annoying everybody else in the game there is another con. Sometimes when you get to close to the door to shoot Infected through the bars it can occur that the Special Infected receive permission to spawn. The fact that Survivors are the ones that start the game by leaving the safe-room is a major advantage, but when the other team has already spawned they can set up traps, knowing that your team is already cornered in the room. Moving Things: -------------- You can move things like dumpster(but not buildings). If you have a (gas can/propane tank/ oxygen tank) bring it near an object like dumpster. Then, throw it(make sure the dumpster infront of you before you throw it) and make sure it hits the dumpster. Then quickly grab it and throw it again. Throw it, grab it, throw it, grab it, throw it, grab it, throw it, grab it. It can move the dumpster! You can use this trick to close the sewer hole to prevent zombies from climbing up. Figure the another benefit's out by yourselves, ok? Cheat Codes: ------------ At the Steam control panel, Right Click the "Left 4 Dead 2" option, and select "Properties" under the "My Games" tab. In the General tab, select "Set Launch Options", enter "-console" in that field, and accept it. Start the game, and the console window should appear at the main menu. Enter "bind p toggleconsole" as a console command. Then, type one of the following "map [map name]" codes and press [Enter] to load the corresponding map. Note: The same entries can be used with the "changelevel [map name]" or "changelevel [map name]" codes during the game. Alternately, at the main menu, select "Options", then choose the "Keyboard/Mouse" selection. Enable the "Allow Developers Console" option. Press ~ to display the console window. Enter "bind p toggleconsole" as a console command. Then, type one of the following "map [map name]" codes and press [Enter] to load the corresponding map: -=Dead Center=- map c1m1_hotel map c1m2_streets map c1m3_mall map c1m4_atrium Dark Carnival map c2m1_highway map c2m2_fairgrounds map c2m3_coaster map c2m4_barns map c2m5_concert -=Swamp Fever=- map c3m1_plankcountry map c3m2_swamp map c3m3_shantytown map c3m4_plantation -=Hard Rain=- map c4m1_milltown_a map c4m2_sugarmill_a map c4m3_sugarmill_b (Mill Escape level) map c4m4_milltown_b (Return To Town level) map c4m5_milltown_escape -=The Parish=- map c5m1_waterfront_sndscape (Demo level; will glitch graphics until you quit the game) map c5m1_waterfront map c5m2_park map c5m3_cemetery map c5m4_quarter map c5m5_bridge Customize the aura of characters and objects: --------------------------------------------- Written by pitou In this guide, I’ll will tell you how to customize the aura of characters and objects. -=Entry=- To adjust the aura, you need to adjust the colors For example, aura of the survivors will be as follows: cl_glow_survivor_r 1 | r – red | Red Color cl_glow_survivor_g 1 | g – green | Green Color cl_glow_survivor_b 1 | b – blue | Blue Color We get the white color of the aura of survivors when playing for them, where r – red, b – blue, g – green. Aura when you play as survivors Survivors aura Survivors Aura cl_glow_survivor_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_b 0-1 Survivors on the ground aura cl_glow_survivor_hurt_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_hurt_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_hurt_b 0-1 Survivors in vomit boomer aura cl_glow_survivor_vomit_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_vomit_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_vomit_b 0-1 Aura of objects Aura of objects at close range cl_glow_item_r 0-1 cl_glow_item_g 0-1 cl_glow_item_b 0-1 Aura of objects in the far distance cl_glow_item_far_r 0-1 cl_glow_item_far_g 0-1 cl_glow_item_far_b 0-1 Aura of objects in a black and white screen cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_r 0-1 cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_g 0-1 cl_glow_thirdstrike_item_b 0-1 Aura of physical objects (for survivors and infected) cl_glow_ability_r 0-1 cl_glow_ability_g 0-1 cl_glow_ability_b 0-1 Aura when you play as infected Infected aura Aura of living infected cl_glow_infected_r 0-1 cl_glow_infected_g 0-1 cl_glow_infected_b 0-1 Aura of ghost infected cl_glow_ghost_infected_r 0-1 cl_glow_ghost_infected_g 0-1 cl_glow_ghost_infected_b 0-1 Aura of survivors Aura of survivors on the ground cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_crit_b 0-1 Aura of survivors at a high level of health cl_glow_survivor_health_high_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_high_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_high_b 0-1 With the average level of health cl_glow_survivor_health_med_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_med_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_med_b 0-1 When health is low cl_glow_survivor_health_low_r 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_low_g 0-1 cl_glow_survivor_health_low_b 0-1 Aura of witch Aura of the quiet witch cl_witch_glow_idle_r 0-1 cl_witch_glow_idle_g 0-1 cl_witch_glow_idle_b 0-1 Wicked witch aura cl_witch_glow_angry_r 0-1 cl_witch_glow_angry_g 0-1 cl_witch_glow_angry_b 0-1 |
View: 1554 times |
Updated: 2021.05.08 |
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