Name of the file: No More Room in Hell Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. At the "Main" menu select "Advanced" followed by "Enable Developer Console" and type "sv_cheats 1" (without the quotes) when the console window appears to enable cheat mode when 'Create a Server' is selected. If you now enter the following codes at the console window the corresponding effect will become enabled. Effect Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes a "Create a Server" server to allow cheats - sv_cheats 1 Increases the amount of Items you can carry - Inv_maxcarry (enter number) Mimics spectator mode - noclip Spawns all weapons - impulse 101 Turns A.I. on/off - ai_disable givecurrentammo - Tons of ammo Easy "One Free Man" achievement: -------------------------------- Crowbars are common melee weapons that are found in various locations. Drop your current melee weapon and collect a crowbar when one is found. To easily kill zombies with it, hold the Mouse Button for a few seconds and aim for your target's head. After any hit with the crowbar, quickly press V to shove it away to avoid getting grabbed. Easy "Social Responsibility" achievement: ----------------------------------------- Enter the "Options" menu, select "Keyboard", and bind the suicide action to a key. Start a game, get infected, then kill yourself to get the "Social Responsibility" achievement. All Codes List: --------------- Written by HKKC In this guide I just only recorded all codes of the maps that i have played. List of All Codes Codes (NMO) -=Abandonment=- 2849 -=Broadway=- 9247 1854 6532 1800 -=Brooklyn=- 3001 6194 6679 4720 7791 5487 2849 5910 3961 2283 0236 -=Cabin=- 9247 7175 2849 -=Canel=- 5487 5910 3679 3001 6194 2849 3961 -=Dead Labs=- 9247 2105 -=Emergency=- 3001 2849 9247 -=Frostbite=- 1917 1789 5342 8933 5542 8233 2933 9233 9105 -=Fema=- 7791 3961 2105 4720 2849 2283 -=Gmi Hunt=- 4359 -=Hellsresiot=- 4297 -=Junction=- 2849 3001 6194 5910 5971 -=Keystone=- 1201 1101 2012 1001 1011 -=Lakeside=- 7175 3647 2105 0592 5574 5547 -=Liner Static=- 1890 -=Miner Detour=- 9247 -=Outbreak=- 5487 -=Panel=- 4092 7732 1508 6887 5813 3470 9615 8296 3726 6354 7413 9367 2246 5834 4595 -=Shelter=- 1998 1830 -=Sweden=- 7175 4732 9105 9541 7592 -=Toxteth=- 1800 4648 -=Throwback=- 02 99 27 98 Ug Lag 4357 -=Urbanhazard=- 0592 1480 5971 2048 1854 0800 -=Underground=- 9710 2370 5703 4216 0154 7256 1994 -=Vertigo=- 1066 3907 6893 6124 4210 9046 2501 5872 5289 7743 9538 2970 1099 0612 1346 8365 0789 7791 2283 0236 3961 4720 6679 7836 -=Xmas=- 5474 -=Zephyr=- 7175 2105 2606 2710 9247 1917 1901 Codes (NMS) -=Notld=- 1968 -=Ransack=- 4720 2849 3001 0236 5487 -=Campblood=- 2105 0592 3647 6971 7175 -=Hershels Farm=- 0101 -=Wd Prison=- 9247 -=Townsquare=- 5574 -=Northway=- 7175 0592 5971 2105 3647 -=Subway=- 2105 -=Gun Store=- 7175 -=Cabin in The Wood=- 5971 3647 2105 -=Factory=- 5574 -=Whitehouse=- 1337 0451 -=Dead Chapel=- 9247 0451 -=House of Forester=- 5971 0592 3647 -=Camilia=- 1407 5019 3729 3264 5910 6275 7349 0451 2196 4652 2371 1326 6230 3647 -=Fodeesha=- 1968 |
View: 1545 times |
Updated: 2021.06.26 |
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