Scrapnaut Cheat Codes

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Scrapnaut Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Scrapnaut Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Small tips that will improve your life in Scrapnaut:
Written by FS

* Use the item radar that you get at the beginning. To use it hold it in
your hand and click your right mouse button. Then you will see all
collectable items in your area. Especially in buildings where you easily
miss items this is really helpful.

* Use the teleports to get back to your base faster. The first teleport
is in northwestern direction of your base and there is a red crystal to
activate it right next to it.
Then you can teleport there by clicking on it on your map.

* Later you can also build a base teleporter to make travelling even faster.

* Use tree pots to grow trees because with this method you dont need tools
to harvest them and you dont need to destroy the beautiful nature around
your base. You can also get wood from digging out trunks or harvesting shrubs.

* Some more advanced tools are better weapons than your current weapon.
In this case you can save inventory space by using for example your pickaxe
also as a weapon.

* Make sure to collect lots of blue books (but also the other ones which
help you crafting advanced things) as these give you more inventory space.
I currently can stack up to 53 items which is really helpful. You can see
how many of each book you have collected in your inventory.

* You can destroy pots (located at buildings) with your weapon in fighting
mode or dig out treasures marked with a red cross to get random items.

* You can avoid most enemies by simply running by them, which is very cool
if you dont want to fight them. A defense potion will help with that at
bigger bases. It is possible to loot entire camps without fighting. In the
buildings you have time to regenerate.

* Better tools are not faster, they just deal more damage to enemies and
their durability decreases slower. Therefore I would use ingots of rare
materials first for armor or devices at your base, then for weapons,
tools and then for building your base. You will also get lots of tools
and weapons when exploring buildings, this will supply you for a very
long time.

View: 2445 times
Updated: 2021.08.14

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