Zebra Logic Master Cheat Codes

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Zebra Logic Master Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Zebra Logic Master Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

100% Achievement Guide:
Written by GENiEBEN

Use this guide to attain 100% completion

Complete the 15 challenges using this guide, then at the end launch
"Congratulations" to unlock the final achievement.

-=Challenge 1=-
white | pink | yellow
beer | milk | lemonade
Spanish | Swiss | Italian

-=Challenge 2=-
tea | lemonade | coffee
British | Italian | Spanish
horses | birds | cats

-=Challenge 3=-
coffee | icetea | lemonade
ice cream | cookies | cheese
snakes | birds | mice

-=Challenge 4=-
water | coffee | beer | icetea
pancakes | eggs | cookies | chocolate
fish | dogs | tortoises | snakes
pines | palm trees | brazilwood | jatoba

-=Challenge 5=-
chocolate | cookies | spaghetties | cheese
snakes | tortoises | mice | dogs
Basketball | Badminton | Football | Ice Hockey
pines | willows | eucalyptus trees | redwoods

-=Challenge 6=-
tulips | daffodils | hyacinth | crocuses
steaks | potatoes | waffles | eggs
Ice Hockey | Badminton | Basketball | Football
eucalyptus trees | maple trees | redwoods | nut trees

-=Challenge 7=-
Rolls Royce | Porsche | Mercedes | Ford
crocuses | daffodils | lilies | cactuses
Lacrosse | Basketball | Baseball | Ice Hockey
redwoods | oaks | maple trees | willows

-=Challenge 8=-
Rolls Royce | Porsche | Volvo | Toyota
brown | gray | black | yellow
crocuses | roses | tulips | daffodils
Baseball | Tennis | Soccer | Badminton

-=Challenge 9=-
Toyota | Volvo | Porsche | Mercedes | Rolls Royce
yellow | magenta | blue | black | green
water | caipirinha | wine | lemonade | coffee
dahlias | roses | daffodils | orchids | geraniums
Brazilian | South African | Indian | Chinese | Russian

-=Challenge 10=-
Ford | Renault | VW | Rolls Royce | BMW
red | yellow | pink | magenta | blue
milk | water | lemonade | espresso | wine
Italian | Spanish | Danish | German | Norwegian
birds | turtles | horses | dogs | snakes

-=Challenge 11=-
pink | green | brown | magenta | gray
tea | water | coffee | beer | espresso
steaks | spaghetties | waffles | cheese | cookies
Danish | Irish | Italian | Spanish | Greek
turtles | snakes | birds | dogs | horses

-=Challenge 12=-
water | tea | milk | marvada | wine
ice cream | eggs | cheese | chocolate | cookies
Brazilian | Irish | German | Spanish | British
snakes | dogs | horses | mice | birds
firs | araucaria | palm trees | pines | oaks

-=Challenge 13=-
coffee | tea | lemonade | wine | milk
cookies | pancakes | spaghetties | chocolate | waffles
mice | snakes | dogs | tortoises | turtles
Ice Hockey | Football | Tennis | Baseball | Rugby
firs | oaks | eucalyptus trees | palm trees | redwoods

-=Challenge 14=-
Porsche | Volvo | BMW | Ford | Toyota
pancakes | cheese | ice cream | eggs | rollmops
mice | butterflies | birds | turtles | fish
Baseball | Tennis | Ice Hockey | Soccer | Lacrosse
oaks | redwoods | eucalyptus trees | nut trees | araucaria

-=Challenge 15=-
yellow | blue | red | green | white
Norwegian | Dane | Brit | German | Swede
water | tea | milk | coffee | beer
Dunhill | Blends | Pall Mall | Prince | Blue Master
cats | horses | birds | fish | dogs

View: 2227 times
Updated: 2021.09.12

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