Name of the file: Nobodies Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. 100% Walkthrough: ----------------- Written by dotHacker Here is Nobodies game walkthrough with full mission solutions & achievements explained. -=Operation I: Quick Dry=- 1. Take trowel on the ground, left 2. Take sand in the wheelbarrel 3. Take cement bag, towards the back 4. Take keys off the body 5. Take the body 6. Use keys on toolbox 7. Take wrench from toolbox 8. Use wrench on faucet 9. Fill bucket with water 10. Use cement on mixer 11. Use sand on mixer 12. Use bucket of water on mixer 13. Click on mixer to use it, then take cement 14. Use trowel on cement 15. Use body on column (left side). Click again to drop it in 16. Use cement on column 17. Put wrench in toolkit, and close it 18. Use trowel on floor 19. Use bucket on floor Achievement: Strong Foundation unlocked -=Operation II: Antwood=- 1. Take pipette on desk 2. Take lab coat on left 3. Head out the door 4. Take coffee 5. Take yellow pipe on right 6. Go back to first room 7. Use pipette on Scopolamine 8. Use pipette on mouse 9. Use pipette again on Scopolamine 10. Use pipette on coffee 11. Give coffee to guard in other room 12. Leave room and come back, guard is asleep 13. Take ID card on left 14. Use ID card on door, enter next room 15. Use pipe on valve 16. Press red button to open tank 17. Go get body 18. While there, use pipette on Desoxy, use on rat, refill pipette 19. Put body in tank, click again to push all the way 20. Close tank, turn valve 21. Use pipette on Feeder 22. In guard room, use ID card on door to lock it 23. Use ID card on guard 24. Put yellow pipe back 25. In starting room, use pipette on desk 26. Return lab coat Achievement: Scientific Method unlocked Other Achievements: * Guinea Pig: Have guard drink doctored coffee, once each for every compound * Coffee's for Cleaners: Keep giving the guard regular (not doctored) coffee. It takes many times. * Bloody Mess: Use the body on the cages left side of the lab -=Operation III: Late Checkout=- 1. Close door, take the signs 2. Take bed frame 3. Leave room 4. Use do not disturb on the closest room 5. Use housekeeping sign on farther room 6. Go upstairs 7. Open CCTV box, take pliers 8. Go back to first room 9. Use pliers on cable 10. Go back upstairs to CCTV box 11. Use splitter on cable 5 12. Go to laundry cart 13. Take keys, unlock door on left, put keys back 14. Take sheets 15. Go into formerly locked room 16. Take fuses 17. Use pliers on sink 18. Go to roof 19. Use bed frame on wall 20. Use handle on valve, then use valve 21. Go get body and bloody sheets 22. Use clean sheets on bed 23. Go to formerly locked room 24. Open trash chute, put body & bloody sheets in 25. Close chute 26. Use elevator down 27. Use fuses on switch, then use switch 28. Go to roof 29. Open valve 30. Use pliers on handle 31. Take bed frame 32. Use pliers on CCTV splitter 33. Put pliers back 34. Go downstairs 35. In formerly locked room, put back handle 36. Go to hallway, then close locked room door 37. In starting room, put back splitter & bed frame Achievement Unlocked: Turndown Service Other Achievements: * Terrible Plumber: Put the body in the tank on the roof, then turn on tap in locked room. You have to do this before you move the handle to the valve, or you can’t remove it. * Imperfect Crime: Throw the body out of the window or off the roof -=Operation IV: Picket Fence=- 1. Click on painting 2. Click on safe 3. Enter 6672 4. Take keys 5. Go to kitchen 6. Take bottle from fridge 7. Open cabinet under sink 8. Take bleach 9. Take rubber gloves on shelf 10. Use keys on door, go outside 11. Take cement 12. Go into garage 13. Take paint 14. Take pliers 15. Take key 16. Move shelf that held key 17. Use pliers on wire 18. Go back to start, use new key on other door 19. Go to basement, take pickaxe 20. Open electrical box, use cable 21. Use rubber gloves on cable 22. Go to pool, use bottle on pool, then use pump 23. Look at pool, use pickaxe on bottom 24. Grab body and put in new hole 25. Use water on cement, then use wet cement on hole 26. Use paint on cement-covered hole 27. Turn on pump 28. Use bleach on blood in kitchen 29. Go get cable from basement 30. Put back pickaxe 31. Lock basement door (in starting room) 32. Go to garage, automatically cable is replaced 33. Put pliers on table 34. Put paint against wall 35. Move back shelf, then put back basement key 36. Leave garage, put cement back on bench 37. Go to kitchen, lock door 38. Put back gloves, bleach, bottle 39. Put keys back in safe and close it Achievement Unlocked: Good Housekeeping -=Operation V: Bolt Bucket=- 1. Take hook on body's head 2. Take spray paint 3. Take wood 4. Leave alley 5. Use hook on car, enter it 6. Click left side fuse box, push up all red 7. Push down all blue and green fuses, then press center console white button 8. Open glove box, take coins 9. Go take body, put it in the trunk and close it 10. Use spray paint on car 11. Use coins on pay phone 12. Dial the towtruck number on right, 555-5185 13. Read the red sign 14. Take cable, rotten meat from trash 15. Use hook on cable, then use on left wall 16. Click on cable, then lower crane 17. Put meat on crane, then raise the crane 18. Enter junkyard 19. Take screwdriver, use it on airbag 20. Take fire extinguisher 21. Use airbag on grating, then use fire extinguisher on it 22. Enter trailer 23. Take battery 24. Open locked drawer: 6-12-9-12-3-3-12 (move lock to click dial position) 25. Take key from drawer 26. Use battery on forklift, then use forklift 27. This is a sliding block puzzle. The idea is to push the lower cars against the right wall, and move the upper cars down into a straight line. This gives you space to push the marked car in a circle right-up-left-down, then circle back and push it to the crusher. (If someone wants to contribute a step-by-step, be my guest) Nobodies: 100% Walkthrough 28. Head to upper left, use the key on the lock. Open door (green button), then click red button 29. Take the key out of the ignition, return to the graveyard 30. Take battery out of forklift 31. Use screwdriver on airbag, then place both in car 32. Put fire extinguisher back against trailer 33. Put battery back against inside trailer wall 34. Put key into drawer and close it 35. Put grating back on outside trailer window 36. Go back outside, lower the bulldozer, then take the cable and put it in the trash Achievement Unlocked: A Perfect Mess Other Achievements: * Monster: While the bulldozer is lifted, put the meat on the ground for the dog, then lower the bulldozer to crush it. This prevents a perfect clear. * First responder: Dial 912 on payphone * Crushin’ It â€" Crush every car in junkyard. It’s as tedious as it sounds, be careful not to push a car into a dead end or wall, because you’ll have to start over. This prevents a perfect clear. -=Operation VI: Cold Fury=- 1. Take shotgun shells 2. Open Locker on left, take pickaxe 3. Enter cabin. Take map on left, machete over fireplace 4. Enter truck. Flip down visor for the key 5. Take wallet and lighter from glovebox 6. Drive to the gas station: L-R-M-M-L-L; You’ll be able to quick-travel here afterwards. 7. Take the gas container. Use machete on tarp over logs. 8. Use wallet on gas tank 9. Fast travel to cabin, put body in trunk, cover it with tarp 10. Fast travel to gas station. Then go R-M-L-M-R to reach Port 11. Take anchor 12. Use pickaxe on ice 13. Use body with anchor, then on the hole in the ice. Put the shells in too 14. Return gas container to station, tarp to logs 15. Place pickaxe in locker, map on shelf, machete over fireplace 16. Put wallet & lighter in glove box & close it. 17. Take out the key and put it in the overhead visor, and close it. Achievement Unlocked: Ice-Cold Cleaner Other Achievements: * Pyromaniac: Use lighter on gas tank at the station, put wood in the fireplace, light it, and burn the body, and finally use the gas container on the cabin and then the lighter to unlock. * Nature Lover: Not entirely sure what unlocks this. It’s either reaching dead ends repeatedly, reaching a certain number of different dead ends, or driving off the top of the map. Needs confirmation. -=Operation VII: Private Collection=- 1. Take coin from fountain. Go right 2. Take gator tooth 3. Talk to boy. Choose anything until candy machine option appears. Select it, then leave. 4. Go left of entrance 5. Use tooth on fusebox. Turn off B1, then go back to entrance 6. Take ID badge from guard, go left. 7. Unlock the door, then go put the ID badge back on guard 8. Enter the new room 9. Take spear 10. Click on safe. Enter ASIMOV (185679). Take keys inside. 11. Take id badge off body. Take body, and leave 12. Use card on left room, then place body on table 13. Take syringe on back counter, and formol upper shelf. 14. Use hose with body. Select machine, choose extract. 15. Take Drum and empty into sink 16. Use formol on empty drum 17. Go back to entrance, then upstairs 18. Use coin on vending machine. Enter D1 19. Use keys on back door. Enter 20. Take uniform, ink cartridges, caveman outfit, card 21. Go back to kid, give chocolate for gum. Go back to body 22. Use gum on body 23. Use syringe on cartridges Y+M 24. Use red syringe on drum, them connect drum to machine. Select insert. 25. Take the body, use caveman clothes on it. 26. Go back upstairs but this time go into the right room. 27. Use body on caveman exhibit. When questioned, choose work order, McArthy. Use club on body. Go back to embalming room 28. Use caveman on autoclave. Put wax in recycling bin 29. Put formol back, syringe on table. Go back to 2nd floor closet. 30. Place spear on wall, cartridges on table, uniform on rack, card on table 31. Exit room and lock the door. Go back to office 32. Put keys in safe, close it. Exit room 33. Use master badge to lock doors, then use badge on office door 34. Put tooth back on gator Achievement Unlocked: Exhibitionist -=Operation VIII: Flight Risk=- 1. Take knife. Exit right 2. Open gate, go right 3. Go left 4. Take grill spatula, use spatula on grill to get coal. Go left. 5. Use coal on car, then go right two screens. 6. This time, enter office door 7. Read checklist on cork board. Put it back. 8. Search jacket for drugs. Put them in coffee mug. Leave. 9. Talk to the man and ask about padlock. It seems his answers change. In order of top to bottom is the combination for the lock. 10. Open the lock on the red door by the grill 11. Take the plastic wrap, lug wrench, forklift 12. Use forklift on orange cargo, take and use it on orange plane 13. Do the same thing for blue cargo & plane 14. Now go back to body. Use wrench on tire 15. Use wrap on body, then use knife on body 16. Use body on tire. Go back to red cargo. 17. Use forklift on cargo, remove body from tire, then use body on red cargo 18. Put cargo on red plane. Now to fuel each plane: 19. Click ground wire, click on a plane. Click fuel, click on same plane. Then click Fuel. Do this for each plane. 20. Return ground & fuel hose to machine by clicking on them, then on the machine. 21. Return wrap, wrench, forklift to cargo room. 22. Return spatula to grill 23. Return tire to tractor Achievement Unlocked: In Plane Sight Other Achievements: * Don't Get High On Your Own Supply: Use drugs twice on the coffee mug. You can get more by using knife on package in cargo room. -=Operation IX: Jackrabbit=- 1. Go right. Take jack from trunk, ladder from wall, metal crate from ground. Enter cabin 2. Take tape, wrench, knife, plumb from fishing rod, rotten apple & bottle from trash, plastic bag near door. Exit. 3. Open hood, use wrench on car battery. Go right 4. Take can, use can on mud. Go left twice 5. Use jack on fence. Open security box, cut cable with knife. Go back & take jack. Go left 6. Use knife on gate lock. Use battery on wires. Enter 7. Take lighter, key. Use key on muddy can. Put key back. Exit and go back inside the cabin. 8. Light the fireplace. Melt the plumb. Use metal on key imprint. Go right. 9. Use bottle on water. Unlock gate and go inside 10. Take stick, combine metal crate and stick, place on ground. Then use rotten apple on it. Go back and return. 11. Take rat. Use ladder right wall. Use rat on grating. Use wrench on grating. Go inside. 12. Click on monitor. Use tape. Press record, then press play. 13. Click on cell control. Open Block 4, Cell 2 14. Go down. Take ladder. Go forward. Go up. 15. Take paint, acid. Use ladder to reach grating. Use knife. 16. Go L-M-R-R-R to reach block 4. Enter cell 2 17. Use acid on toilet. Move toilet. Take body, use body on hole. Use paint on hole. Replace toilet. Leave. 18. Go back to storage room. Replace grating. Put back paint & acid. Take ladder. Go down. 19. Use wrench on pipe elbow. Take body. Use wrench to put back pipe. 20. Go back to cabin. Put plastic bag on chipper. Use body on chipper. Take bag, use it on pigs. 21. Put jack in trunk, close it. Put battery in hood, close it. Go back to monitor room (using ladder). 22. Retrieve tape. Close cell 2. Leave. Take ladder. Leave sewer. 23. Lock sewer door. Go back to cabin 24. Shred tape, shred key. Put back ladder. Enter cabin. 25. Put back wrench and knife. Douse fire with water. Achievement Unlocked: Done Time -=Operation X: Bad Medicine=- 1. Go forward. Take cap. Go into leftmost door. 2. Take tape from cabinet. Take wrench near TV. 3. Go back and enter other room. Take bandage right side, and screwdriver in cabinet. Go back to entrance. 4. Use cap on donation box. Go outside. 5. Use wrench and tape on sign. Go inside, then back outside. 6. Use wrench on sign, remove tape. Go inside. 7. Take key. Take coin and cap. Enter locked room on left side. 8. Take cards on desk. Go right and straight. 9. Use coin on vending machine to get chocolate. Combine with card. Go to entrance. 10. Use chocolate gift with desk. Surgeon will now be gone. 11. Use computer in office. Enter 1587. Press 2. 12. Enter 7475 0200. Press 1. Take paper. Go to hospital room with 2 guys. 13. Use discharge on bed A. Go get the body. 14. Take the body to the now-empty bed. Use bandages on body. Go back to computer. 15. This time, get to the same menu but enter 7475 3323. Press 1, take paper. Press 3 to exit session. Then go put that paper on chart on bed A. 16. In surgical room, use screwdriver on grating, enter morgue. 17. Open lower right drawer, put body inside and close it. 18. Exit to surgical room, replace grating by using screwdriver again. Use screwdriver outside surgery room to lock it. 19. Put screwdriver in cabinet in room with 2 beds. 20. Put tape and wrench in room that had body originally. 21. Put cap on cooler. 22. Finally, lock office door, and return the key to reception. Achievement Unlocked: No Scrubs Other Achievements: * Hacker: Enter BODY on the computer -=Operation XI: Cowcatcher=- 1. Take paperclip on floor 2. Talk to woman. Choose what are you reading. Exit conversation. Go down. 3. Use paperclip on men’s bathroom. Take toiletpaper. Go down. 4. Open women’s bathroom. Take toilet paper. Clog toilet with both papers, and flush. Go up. 5. Find office. Tell woman on left bathroom is flooded. Go back down. 6. Open cabin. Take cap on table, pills & money from backpack. Open drawer and take luggage. Go all the way up to cart 5. 7. Put luggage against vent. Talk to man. Ask to call crew, AC not working. Go back to office. 8. Take pen, out of order sign, manifest, keys in drawer. Go back to bar. 9. Buy two vodkas. Use pills on one. Use the other on women’s bathroom sink and fill with water. Take bleach while you’re there. Go back to bar. 10. Use doctored flask first, then water flash second. Woman will pass out, take book. 11. Take rag from bartender. Go to cabin 3, passenger room (33-35 sign) 12. Talk to man, ask to borrow book. Then give him the woman’s book. Take book on table. 13. Use pen on ticket. enter 2-21. Give ticket to old man. Go to men’s bathroom 14. Use bleach on rag, clean blood. Take body. Use out of order on men’s bathroom. 15. Put body in cabin where old man was. Click it to turn it, then use cap. 16. Go to cabin 5, unlock door. Enter, then unlock next door, and enter. 17. Use radio. Say 8702, sector 48. Go down. Train stops. 18. Take rope. Open side door. Tie rope to hook on left. Return to body. 19. Open window, tie rope to body. Reverse your steps to roof and pull it up. 20. Take body, go up. Use body on tube, tie rope to tube. Use tube with open door. 21. Lock door 6, close side door, go down and lock door 5. 22. Give rag to bartender 23. Give manifest, pen, bleach to crew. 24. Put back cap, pills, money in backpack. Give book to old man. 25. Throw keys off the train (window/roof/open door) Achievement Unlocked: Right On Schedule Other Achievements: * Drunkard: Drink 3 times (regular vodka) with woman. * Hint Hater: Never use the beeper for the entire game. * All Clean: Complete every mission. -=Closing=- Final Achievement: Serial Killer. List of victims: * Mission 2: Guard. Poison him * Mission 5. Dog. Crush under bulldozer * Mission 6. Police officer. Use shotgun from cabin * Mission 7. Girl at caveman exhibit. Use spear * Mission 8. Overdose worker or use knife * Mission 9. Security guard. Use knife * Mission 10. Use letter opener from office on receptionist, surgeon, drivers, surgeon and receptionist outside (after chocolate gift) |
View: 1152 times |
Updated: 2021.10.04 |
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