Shenmue 3 Cheat Codes

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Shenmue 3 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Shenmue 3 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Make Money Fast:
Money can be hard to come by in Shenmue 3, and to make matters worse there’s a
lot to buy. Early on in the game you’ll want to make sure you at least have
enough to buy some food, in order to keep your health up.

The best way to do this is the head to Tao’s store, near the Verdant Bridge,
and choose the option of chopping some wood. This has you play a quick minigame,
with the reward usually being between 40-50 Yuan, depending on how much you chop.

The good news is there’s absolutely no limit to how much you can do this,
so if you want you can just set aside thirty minutes and wrack up some Yuan.

How to use the food:
To eat in Shenmue 3, you want to bring up the food menu (R1 on PS4).
Here you will gain access to all the various foods you have in your Inventory.

Once you’ve picked the food you wish to eat interact with it then select yes on
use Selected Item. This will restore your health so you can return to combat
without having to worry about your health depleting.

Easy money:
Go to the Fortune Teller and get a Number Fortune. After getting the Number Fortune,
make a max bet on the matching number in the Frog Race. Then, mash buttons to cheer
on your frog and win. You will need to get a new fortune between every race, but if
you get your fortune and use that number, you are guaranteed to win the race every
time. You can collect thousands of tokens, buy high-value items, then sell them.

Save the game before attempting a game of chance. Save before betting, roll to win,
and save again if you win. If you lose, simply reload your save and try again. To
make the most using this trick, play Flow, Bird, Wind & Moon or Roll It On Top.
Input the max bet, and then collect thousands of tokens. Use those tokens to buy
valuable items at the token store, then sell them.

View: 1241 times
Updated: 2021.11.27

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