SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Cheat Codes

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SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Cheat Codes
Name of the file: SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Beginners Guide (Tips and Useful Info):
Written by lich387

All the info and tips i can think of to help new players engage this wonderful series.

-=Basic Info=-
The game may seem a little complex at first, but I assure you that once you gain a grasp
on how to achieve what you desire everything will be natural to you.

-=Let's start with the basics:
* In this game units have Permadeath. While pilot will survive being destroyed you will
permanently lose your MS if it gets destroyed.
* During missions you have 10 slots in which to quicksave.. use them to go back from bad
situations. The game also autosave each turn.
* Any pilot can use any MS.
* Any MS / Pilot can be deploy in any series, the only limitation being terrains.
* For a ship / MS to be deployed in a map it must be able run in that map environment
(space or air, tipically).
* The ship that you get at the start of the game can contain only 1 squad, but by doing
one of the available dispatches you can acquire an item that let you unlock the 2nd
squad slot. I recommend that you do that asap, as more slot means more units on the
battlefield (obviously).
* Raids are a new type of squadron, the main difference from the ship being that the
units can regain HP / EN while roaming on the map. If 2 units of the raid end the
turn near each other they will regain HP and a little EN, otherwise (if a unit ends
the turn with no raid ally nearby) they will regain 30% of EN.
* Whenever a unit kills an enemy they get to act again, up to 2 times
(you get 3 attacks in total).
* Whenever a unit dodge,hits or kills an enemy it gains morale. After specific
thresholds they reach what is called "High Tension", after which if it continues
to gain morale it reaches "Super High Tension".
* During High Tension all attacks are critics, while during Super High Tension all
attacks deal "super critics". There are certain attacks only usable during (Super)
High Tension.
* If a unit gets hit during Super High Tension it will switch back to a normal state
when the battle ends. The same happens if it misses an attack.
* Sometimes when you encounter enemy ships they will deploy additional MS when you
get near them. If you destroy the ship those same MS will have a white flag on them.
it means that if your ship gets near them the "capture" command will appear. It is
a free action that let you capture them, being able to dismantle (aka sell) them
ore use them, according to your wishes.
* You can change the battle music for each pilot you own (it only depends on them,
not on the MS). You can also import your own mp3 files to use as battle music!

-=Squad Strengthening=-
* Be mindful that pilot stats matter a lot. A ranged MS should be piloted by someone
proficient in long rage, same with melee. "Funnel type" weapons (or "awaken" weapons"
use the "Awaken" statistic). I recommend to balance your credits spending between new
units and pilots, as you need good pilots just as you need good MS.
* When a MS levels up you receive points to spend in its stats, ranging from attacks
to HP, EN and speed (this is very important at higher difficulties, as it affects
both dodging and hitting capabilities).
* When a Pilot levels up he/she automatically gains stats increases. You can also
spend credits to increase his/her stats.
* Each pilot has innate abilities and skills, and learn new skills as he/she levels
up. Abilities are dropped by specific enemies (those with a yellow dot on them),
the higher the difficulty the higher the ability level dropped by the enemy.
* MS whose size is greater than M will occupy more slots inside your ship. This hovever
will not matter for the Master slot, which can host a big MS while still occupying
only one slot (use this feature at your advantage).
* Lots of pilots have more than one version of themselves. Usually the last versions
are stronger than the previous ones, but also have more difficult / complex
requirements to complete their respective quest.

-=Acquiring Units
This game is full of ways in which the player can gain new units. Here are all the
means you have to do so.

-=Filling Guest Unit Get Gauge
In each stage there are "guest" units, units (both MS and ships) that belongs to the
events you're playing. Whenever one of these units get a kill the get gauge will fill
itself; when the bar is completely filled you will unlock that unit for developmen
(you still need to pay credits for the development).

Of important note the fact that the get gauge is shared across multiple stages /
missions, so you can fill it at your own pace.

With this option you can "combine" the design of 2 MS to unlock a third one. Not all
MS can be combined, and multiple combinations result in the same design. As per the
GET gauge you still need to pay credits do build the designed MS.

When you encounter enemy ships they sometimes will deploy additional MS when you get
near them. If you destroy the ship those same MS will have a white flag on them.. it
means that if your ship gets near them the "capture" command will appear. It is a
free action that let you capture them and use or sell them after the mission ends
(through the "manage captures" menu action).

You surely have noticed that in the game Units and Pilots have separate levels. For
units these are especially important, as they allow them to "evolve" (just like in
pokemon games) into different forms.

Each MS has different evolution paths which can lead to different results, and each
form has a minimum level requirement.

This is the main way to obtain new Units, and (aside from capture) the cheapest one.

Using this option you can exchange a MS whose level is at minimum 2. As the MS level
rise you'll get better deals, but it will get you lots of levels to be offered an
even decent value for the exchange.

Still it's sometimes worth to look at what the game offer to you for your well
levelled MS.

-=Dispatch Missions
Sometimes dispatch missions offer a MS as an additional reward for completion.

Some of the Units (in some cases even very strong units) are unlocked by completing
specific quests. As always you'll only unlock the schematics, and you'll still need
to buy it with credits.

-=Acquiring Pilots
All the pilots are unlocked through quests (once unlocked they must be scouted, aka
buyed with credits from the scouting menu).

Lots of these quests just require you to fill their respective MS GET gauge while
others are a little more complex.

Still everything can be found in the quest menu.

-=Evolution Tips
I'll be adding more tips in this section as I find more info or discover interesting

Evolve the Phoenix Gundam to its "Full Power" form asap, since the Full Power form
will then be able to evolve into the main gundams of the main series of the game.

Before evolving a MS into a new form you can check the new form details, including
weapons, innate abilities and even which will be its future evolutions when levelled
(even though it's very likely that those will be obscured, it's still a hint at what
you could be getting next).

Don't sleep on the gallery function, as it can give you precious hints at what you
need to obtain a specific MS.

Money Maker Guide (Passive Income):
Written by Star

Alot of players is worrying about money and not being able to play while earning
money or to grind endlessly. Here is passive income guide that you can use while
you play the game and do story missions without have to worry about money.

-=Step 1=-
Do the First Gundam Seed Mission.

-=Step 2=-
Head over to Dispatch mission Send your guys to do Dispatch Neutral Zone.

-=Step 3=-
* You will get Earth alliance mobile armor and some Zaft army mobile suits and armor.
* Sell the Zaft army mobile suits (organisation list captured units! Dismantle!).
* However keep the Earth alliance mobile armor! These are the ones you need to get
your passive income ready!
* Capture 8 of them from the missions while you do some story missions starting missions.
* Once you have 8 of them time for next step wich will then keep the ball rolling

-=Step 4=-
Start Basic training or Mock battle with your 8 mobile armors or 16 mobile armors if
you use both raid groups (you can create more raid / warhisps groups by selecting
different task for them in organisation group).
since this is mostly for new people or people who play with warships use raid groups
for money maker and warships group for story content (once you reach step 5 you can
earn more money).

-=Step 5=-
* Once they reach lvl 10-11 get them to zanchezz through developement.
* While you doing the mock battles and daily training 1 time per day you get a special
mission for 75.000 creds you can use the zanchezz for that to get a bonus payout!
They will allways be 100% if you done it right.
* Once you get the zanchezz to 8-10 develope into Destroyer gundams.

-=Step 6=-
* Sell the 4 or 8 destroyer gundams for 75.000 credits wich yields 300.000 credits
or 600.000 credits with 2 full groups.
* This can be done as much as you wish while you activly play the game with your 2
other squadrons eaither raid or warhips.
* In total you should get about 500.000 or 800.000 credits each 2 days.

-=Step 7=-
Do not forget to do the neutral mission and daily space battle for extra payouts
to maximise your passive income.

-=Step 8=-
While you passively get your income you will earn additional credits from your
story mission with your 2 battle ships (archangel is a great one to get first
and dominion or the trail blaser).

View: 1366 times
Updated: 2021.12.06

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